Aback in a Sentence

Examples of Aback in a Sentence

1. There was a little girl screaming, and we were taken aback by what we heard.

2. As soon as I heard about his death, I was taken aback by the news.

3. At first, I was taken aback by the directness of the question, and it made me wonder just what I had done wrong.

4. I was taken aback by your request.

5. The strength of our emotions surprised Roland and he was taken aback by them.

6. As soon as I heard what he said, I was taken aback.

7. When she found out that he was angry, she was completely taken aback.

8. He was taken aback by the manager’s directness.

9. As Jenny was looking at some of the portraits she was taken aback.

10. As a result of his rude behavior, I was taken aback.

11. As a matter of fact, I was somewhat taken aback by her honesty.

12. We were really taken aback when we heard the news.

13. I was taken aback by the news.

14. Seeing what I did, I was taken aback by the sight.

15. As a result of his directness, Emma was somewhat taken aback.

16. Apparently, he was taken aback by the situation.

17. As a result, she was taken aback by the strong opposition she received from her son over her remarriage.

18. After hearing the news that the police intended to arrest him, he was somewhat taken aback by the news.

19. Cross was taken aback by the abrupt manner in which she addressed him.

20. I was completely taken aback by her request for a moment, and I was in a state of shock.

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