List of words starting with ‘Shri’

In this article, we’ll see the list of words starting with “Shri” in the English language. Let’s begin this exciting exploration together!

6-letter words that start with ‘Shri’

Shriek: A high-pitched, loud cry or sound expressing fear, excitement, or pain.

Shrift: An archaic term meaning confession or absolution, especially in religious contexts. It can also refer to a brief period, often in the phrase “short shrift,” which means a brief or curt treatment.

Shrike: A predatory bird known for its hooked beak, feeding primarily on insects and small vertebrates. It’s characterized by its habit of impaling its prey on thorns or barbed wire.

Shrill: A piercing, high-pitched sound, voice, or noise.

Shrimp: A small, decapod crustacean found in fresh and saltwater, characterized by a slender body and legs folded beneath the thorax. It’s often used as seafood.

Shrine: A sacred place, often dedicated to a deity, saint, or a significant person. It’s typically a place of worship or pilgrimage.

Shrink: To become smaller in size or quantity or to cause something to reduce in size. It can also refer to undergoing psychological counseling or therapy, often informally called “shrinking.”

Shrive: An archaic term meaning to hear a confession and grant absolution, often associated with confessing sins before a priest or clergy for forgiveness.

7-letter words that start with ‘Shri’

Shrieks: Plural form of “shriek.”

Shrieky: Adjective form of “shriek.”

Shrifts: Plural form of “shrift.”

Shrikes: Plural form of “shrike.”

Shrills: Plural form of “shrill.”

Shrilly: Adverb form of “shrill.”

Shrimps: Plural form of “shrimp.”

Shrimpy: Adjective form of “shrimp.”

Shrined: Past tense of “shrine.”

Shrines: Plural form of “shrine.”

Shrinks: Plural form of “shrink.”

Shrive: The base form of the verb that means to hear a confession and grant absolution, often associated with confessing sins before a priest or clergy for forgiveness.

Shrived: Past tense of “shrive.”

Shrivel: To become or cause something to become wrinkled, shrunken, or withered, often due to dehydration or loss of moisture.

Shriven: Past participle of “shrive.”

Shriver: A surname or last name of someone.

Shrives: Third-person singular form of “shrive.”

8-letter words that start with ‘Shri’

Shrieked: The past tense of “shriek.”

Shrieker: Refers to a person or thing that emits high-pitched, loud cries or sounds expressing fear, excitement, or pain, much like a shriek.

Shrieval: Relating to a sheriff, about a sheriff’s office, or connected with a shrievalty.

Shrieved: The past tense of “shrive.”

Shrieves: Plural form of “shrieve.”

Shrilled: The past tense of “shrill.”

Shriller: Comparative form of “shrill.”

Shrimped: The past tense of “shrimp.”

Shrimper: Refers to a person who catches or works with shrimp, either in fishing or the shrimp industry.

Shrining: The act of establishing or placing something in a shrine or making or creating a shrine.

Shrinker: Refers to something or someone that causes or facilitates the shrinking or reduction in size.

Shrivels: The present tense or third-person singular form of “shrivel.”

Shrivers: People or things that engage in hearing confessions and granting absolution, often associated with the term “shrive.”

Shriving: The act of hearing confessions and granting absolution, often related to the process of confession for forgiveness or absolution.

9-letter words that start with ‘Shri’

Shriekers: Refers to multiple persons or things that emit high-pitched, loud cries or sounds expressing fear, excitement, or pain, much like a shriek.

Shriekier: Comparative form of “shrieky.”

Shrieking: The emitting high-pitched, loud cries or sounds expressing fear, excitement, or pain, much like a shriek.

Shrieving: The act of hearing confessions and granting absolution, often associated with the process of confession for forgiveness or absolution.

Shrillest: Superlative form of “shrill.”

Shrilling: The act of producing a high-pitched, piercing sound, voice, or noise.

Shrimpers: Refers to multiple individuals involved in catching or working with shrimp, either in fishing or the shrimp industry.

Shrimpier: Comparative form of “shrimpy.”

Shrimping: Catching or preparing shrimp, the small, decapod crustacean used as seafood.

Shrinkage: The process or result of something becoming smaller in size, quantity, or extent. It can also refer to the decrease in value or amount, often in an economic or business context.

Shrinkers: People or things that cause or facilitate the shrinking or size reduction.

Shrinking: The act or process of becoming smaller in size or quantity.

Shriveled: The past tense or past participle of “shrivel.” Refers to the state of having become wrinkled, shrunken, or withered, often due to dehydration or loss of moisture.

10-letter words that start with ‘Shri’

Shriekiest: The superlative form of “shriek.”

Shrievalty: Refers to the office, jurisdiction, or tenure of a sheriff.

Shrillness: The quality or state of being shrill, characterized by high-pitched, piercing sounds, voices, or noises.

Shrimpiest: The superlative form of “shrimpy.”

Shrimplike: Resembling or having characteristics similar to a shrimp in appearance, size, or behavior.

Shrinkable: Capable of being reduced in size or quantity, the quality of being able to shrink.

Shrinkages: The plural form of “shrinkage.” Refers to multiple instances of something becoming smaller in size, quantity, or value.

Shriveling: The act of becoming wrinkled, shrunken, or withered, often due to dehydration or loss of moisture, the present participle form of “shrivel.”

11-letter words that start with ‘Shri’

Shrivelling: It refers to the process or action of something, typically organic matter or material, becoming wrinkled, shrunken, or withered.

12-letter words that start with ‘Shri’

Shrillnesses: Refers to multiple instances or qualities of being shrill.

Shrievalties: Refers to the plural form of “shrievalty.”

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