Sound in a Sentence

1) The sound was shocking and deafening.

2) He strained his ears to hear the sound.

3) Sound is a form of energy that travels through space, as waves of pressure variations with frequency and wavelength.

4) When sound waves reach the ear, they cause vibrations which are then interpreted by the brain as sounds.

5) Sound can be described as the complex physical phenomenon that arises from vibrations in a medium such as air or water.

6) The human sense of hearing transforms these patterns of air molecules into an electrical signal that the brain interprets as sound.

7) Sound is conveyed by means of waves in free space, typically through a vibrating object or vocal folds alternately blocking and releasing a stream of air.

8) Sound is defined as a form of energy that travels through space.

9) It can be heard by the human ear, which transmits sound waves to the inner ear.

10) Sound can also be transmitted through vibration and mechanical motion.

11) Sound is measured in decibels (dB) and represents a logarithmic unit of measurement that is proportional to the amplitude of a sound wave relative to the threshold of human hearing.

12) The sound, or the phonation, is a complex process in which the vocal folds vibrate causing air to be pushed out.

13) Sound is not just the noise you hear but it includes other sensory experiences such as hearing music and listening to people talk.

14) Sound can be analyzed and recorded in various ways, including the human ear, electromagnetic waves in the air, and other measuring devices.

15) The ability to hear and produce sound is not limited to humans; many animals produce sounds that they use for communication.

16) Sound can also be used as a weapon.

17) The use of sound as an agent of warfare has been known since ancient times; examples include Greek fire, a thunderclap, cannonballs, and explosives.

18) The vibrations cause oscillations in the air that we hear as sound.

19) Sound is produced when an object vibrates, or when some medium like air, water, or a solid object is displaced by an explosion.

20) If you clap your hands together really quickly and loudly enough it could produce a sound but it would not be very good quality.

21) In order to produce good quality sounds with vibrations that cause waves in the air we need to have a medium that has lots of molecules and can be easily deformed like water or air.

22) The science behind how sound is produced is quite complex with a lot of variables to account for.

23) But in general it can be said that sound is created by vibrations in molecules (the air molecules), which then propagate as waves through the air and into our ears, where they’re converted into nerve impulses that we perceive as sound.

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