Zesty in a Sentence Examples

Zesty” can describe something full of flavor, particularly spicy or tangy. It can also describe something lively, energetic, or enthusiastic. For example, you might describe a dish as having a “zesty” flavor if it has a lot of spices or herbs, or you might describe a person as being “zesty” if they have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Examples of Zesty in a Sentence

The zesty flavor of the lime added a refreshing kick to the dish.

The zesty salsa was the perfect topping for the grilled chicken.

The zesty dressing on the salad gave it a bold and tangy taste.

The zesty aroma of the spices filled the kitchen as the food cooked.

The zesty flavor of the marinade enhanced the taste of the steak.

The zesty gingerbread cookies were a hit at the holiday party.

The zesty lemonade was a refreshing and invigorating drink on a hot day.

The zesty notes of chili and cumin in the curry added depth and complexity to the dish.

The zesty sauce on the sandwiches added a spicy kick to the otherwise bland meal.

The zesty herbs in the omelet gave it a fresh and lively flavor.

The zesty fragrance of the citrus fruit was tantalizing to the senses.

The zesty flavors in the stir-fry were well-balanced and delicious.

The zesty spice blend on the roast chicken gave it a bold and flavorful taste.

The zesty shrimp tacos were a hit at the beach party.

The zesty condiments on the burger added a lively and spicy kick to the meal.

The zesty hummus was the perfect accompaniment to the vegetable platter.

The zesty vinaigrette on the salad was tangy and full of flavor.

The zesty pickles added a burst of flavor to the sandwich.

The zesty chutney was the perfect condiment for the savory chicken dish.

The zesty flavor of the curry paste added depth and complexity to the dish.

The zesty spices in the marinade brought out the flavor of the meat.

The zesty flavor of the mustard added a spicy kick to the sandwich.

The zesty sauce on the stir-fry was a perfect balance of sweet and spicy.

The zesty lime juice added a refreshing and tangy kick to the margarita.

The zesty flavors of the herbs and spices in the rub added depth and complexity to the chicken roast.

The zesty dressing on the coleslaw gave it a fresh and tangy flavor.

The zesty spices in the rub enhanced the taste of the grilled ribs.

The zesty flavor of the salsa added a spicy kick to the otherwise bland chips.

The marinade’s zesty notes of lemon and garlic gave the chicken a bold and flavorful taste.

The zesty flavor of the spices in the rub made the roast beef taste amazing.

The marinade’s zesty flavors of the herbs and spices really brought out the taste of the grilled vegetables.

The zesty dressing on the salad gave it a tangy and refreshing flavor.

The zesty shrimp dish was full of bold and flavorful spices.

The zesty flavors of the spices in the rub enhanced the taste of the grilled salmon.

The zesty condiments on the hot dog added a spicy kick to the otherwise light meal.

The zesty flavors of the herbs and spices in the marinade made the grilled chicken taste amazing.

The zesty flavor of the lime juice added a refreshing and tangy kick to the ceviche.

The zesty flavors of the spices in the rub made the roast chicken taste amazing.

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