Zero Tolerance in a Sentence Examples

Zero tolerance” generally refers to a strict policy or approach that does not allow exceptions or leniency. It is often used in contexts such as school discipline, where a particular behavior is strictly prohibited, and any instance of that behavior will result in a predetermined punishment.

For example, a school might have a zero tolerance policy for drug possession, meaning that any student found with drugs on school property will be immediately suspended or expelled. This type of policy is meant to communicate that certain behaviors will not be tolerated.

Use Zero Tolerance in a Sentence Examples

Our school has a zero tolerance policy for bullying.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for discrimination.

We expect our employees to adhere to a zero tolerance policy for unethical behavior.

The government has implemented a zero tolerance policy for illegal drug use.

Our organization has a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind.

We expect all our employees to follow a zero tolerance policy for safety violations.

The military has a zero tolerance policy for drug use.

The school district has a zero tolerance policy for weapons on campus.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism.

Our organization has a zero tolerance policy for fraud.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for fighting.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment.

We have a zero tolerance policy for hate speech.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for cheating.

The organization has a zero tolerance policy for discrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for employee theft.

We have a zero tolerance policy for drug use while on the job.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for vaping on campus.

Our organization has a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate language or behavior.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for tardiness.

We have a zero tolerance policy for unprofessional conduct.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for disruptive behavior in class.

The organization has a zero tolerance policy for violence.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind, including sexual, racial, and gender-based harassment.

We have a zero tolerance policy for discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, or national origin.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for bullying, including cyberbullying.

The organization has a zero tolerance policy for discrimination based on age, disability, or veteran status.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for the falsification of documents.

We have a zero tolerance policy for unsafe work practices.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for possessing illegal substances on campus.

The organization has a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate physical contact.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for the unauthorized use of company resources.

We have a zero tolerance policy for violation of company policies.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for possessing weapons on campus.

The organization has a zero tolerance policy for violation of safety protocols.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for violations of customer privacy.

We have a zero tolerance policy for violation of privacy policies.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for harassment, including verbal, physical, and online harassment.

The organization has a zero tolerance policy for violation of company rules.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for violating company policies related to harassment, discrimination, and ethics.

We have a zero tolerance policy for violations of safety procedures.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for disruption of school activities.

The organization has a zero tolerance policy for unauthorized access to company resources.

The company has a zero tolerance policy for violation of intellectual property rights.

We have a zero tolerance policy for violations of confidentiality agreements.

The school has a zero tolerance policy for violation of school rules.

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