Zealotry in a Sentence Examples

Zealotry” refers to extreme and uncompromising devotion or dedication to a particular cause or belief. It often involves a willingness to take extreme or radical measures in pursuit of one’s beliefs and can involve a disregard for the feelings or rights of others. In its most extreme form, zealotry can lead to violence, intolerance, and discrimination.

Use Zealotry in a Sentence

His zealotry for his political beliefs was unshakeable, even in the face of strong opposition.

She was known for her zealotry in the cause of social justice, always fighting for the rights of the marginalized.

The zealotry of the cult members was disturbing, as they were willing to do anything to prove their devotion to their leader.

The zealotry of the fan base was palpable at the concert as they screamed and sang along to every song.

The zealotry of the activists was admirable, as they worked tirelessly to bring about change in their community.

His zealotry for his sports team was unrivaled, as he never missed a game and always wore team gear.

The zealotry of the group was dangerous, as they were willing to use violence to spread their message.

The zealotry of the religious sect was concerning, as they believed in strict adherence to their beliefs and ostracized those who did not follow them.

She was criticized for her zealotry in her pursuit of perfection, as she was unwilling to compromise on any aspect of her work.

The zealotry of the political party was intimidating, as they were known for their aggressive tactics in promoting their agenda.

His zealotry for his diet was admirable, as he stuck to it religiously and saw great health benefits as a result.

The zealotry of the animal rights group was admirable, as they worked tirelessly to protect the well-being of animals.

The zealotry of the environmentalists was admirable, as they dedicated their lives to preserving the planet for future generations.

His zealotry for his craft was evident in every piece of artwork he produced.

The zealotry of the protesters was admirable, as they stood up for their beliefs and fought for change.

The zealotry of the group was off-putting to some, as they seemed unwilling to listen to any opposing viewpoints.

His zealotry for his cause was admirable, as he was always willing to put in the extra effort to make a difference.

The zealotry of the supporters was contagious, as they were so passionate about their team that it was hard not to get caught up in the excitement.

The zealotry of the activists was inspiring, as they fought for their beliefs with such conviction.

His zealotry for his workout routine was admirable, as he always stuck to his schedule and saw great results.

The zealotry of the group was admirable, as they were willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goals.

The zealotry of the religious followers was admirable, as they were so devoted to their faith.

His zealotry for his hobby was admirable, as he dedicated countless hours to perfecting his skills.

The zealotry of the activists was admirable, as they were willing to put themselves in harm’s way to fight for their beliefs.

The zealotry of the group was admirable, as they were so dedicated to their cause that they were willing to sacrifice their own well-being.

His zealotry for his job was admirable, as he always gave it his all and never complained about the long hours.

The zealotry of the protesters was admirable, as they were willing to stand up for their beliefs even in the face of adversity.

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