Zigzag in a Sentence Examples

A zigzag is a series of sharp turns or angles in a line or path, typically in a diagonal or alternating pattern. It is often used to describe a path or movement that is irregular or unpredictable or to describe something that is shaped like a series of sharp turns or angles.

For example, a mountain path might be described as zigzagging up the side of a mountain, or a fence might be described as having a zigzag pattern. “Zigzag” can also be used as a verb, as in “the car zigzagged through traffic.”

Examples of Zigzag in a Sentence

The snake slithered through the grass in a zigzag pattern.

The mountain trail wound its way up the slope in a series of zigzags.

The fabric of the dress had a zigzag pattern running along the hem.

The child drew a zigzag line on the page with her crayon.

The lightning bolt cut across the sky in a jagged zigzag.

The skier navigated the moguls on the slope in a series of zigzags.

The tiles on the floor formed a zigzag pattern in shades of blue and white.

To avoid the storm cloud, the airplane banked sharply to the left in a zigzag maneuver.

The car swerved wildly down the highway, leaving a trail of tire marks in a zigzag pattern.

The river meandered through the valley in a series of zigzags.

The fence posts were connected by a series of zigzags made of wire.

The rabbit zigzagged through the underbrush to escape the predator.

The hiker followed the zigzag path up the mountain.

The athlete sprinted down the field in a series of zigzags to avoid the tackles.

The caterpillar inched its way along the leaf in a zigzag pattern.

The seismograph recorded a series of zigzags as the earthquake struck.

The dragonfly zigzagged through the air, darting from flower to flower.

The golfer put the ball in a series of zigzags across the green.

The quilt had a complex pattern of zigzags in bright colors.

The cyclist weaved through traffic in a series of zigzags.

As she hit the high notes, the singer’s voice soared and dipped in a series of zigzags.

The needle on the seismograph traced a series of zigzags as the aftershock hit.

The ant crawled up the tree in a series of zigzags, searching for food.

The airplane made a series of zigzags in the sky as it performed acrobatic maneuvers.

The squirrel scampered up the tree trunk in a series of zigzags.

The snake charmer played a hypnotic rhythm on his instrument, causing the snake to undulate in a series of zigzags.

The painter carefully followed the stencil’s outline, creating a series of zigzags in the design.

The child’s drawing was a chaotic jumble of zigzags in every rainbow color.

The mountain bike rider navigated the rough terrain in a series of zigzags.

The writer’s handwriting had a series of zigzags and loops, making it difficult to read.

The runner sprinted down the track in a series of zigzags, dodging opponents as he went.

The bee flew from flower to flower in a series of zigzags, gathering nectar.

The dancer moved across the stage in a series of zigzags, her skirts flashing as she twirled.

The surfer rode the wave in a series of zigzags, carving through the water.

The soldier crawled through the jungle, using a zigzag pattern to avoid enemy fire.

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