Ability in a Sentence Examples

The word “ability” can have a number of different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Some common meanings of the word “ability” include:

  • The natural or acquired power to do something:She has the ability to sing beautifully.”
  • A skill or talent: “He has the ability to solve complex problems quickly.”
  • The quality or state of being capable: “The company has the ability to produce high-quality products.”
  • The capacity or potential to perform a particular task or function: “The computer has the ability to process large amounts of data quickly.”

Ability in a Sentence

She has the ability to speak multiple languages fluently.

He demonstrated his ability to solve complex math problems quickly.

The athlete’s ability to run fast was essential to her success.

The dog’s ability to sense danger makes it a good guard dog.

The musician’s ability to play multiple instruments impressed everyone at the concert.

She has the ability to focus on tasks for long periods of time without getting distracted.

His ability to adapt to new situations has helped him excel in his career.

The company values employees with the ability to work well in a team.

She has the ability to communicate effectively with people from all walks of life.

He has the ability to think critically and come up with creative solutions to problems.

The artist’s ability to create beautiful paintings sets her apart from others.

The scientist’s ability to conduct thorough research made her discoveries possible.

She has the ability to learn new skills quickly and efficiently.

He has the ability to multitask and handle multiple projects at once.

The teacher’s ability to engage and inspire her students makes her a great educator.

The writer’s ability to craft compelling stories makes her work so popular.

She has the ability to lead and motivate others to achieve their goals.

He has the ability to analyze and interpret data effectively.

The chef’s ability to create delicious and creative dishes makes her restaurant successful.

She has the ability to solve problems under pressure and in challenging situations.

He has the ability to think on his feet and come up with quick solutions.

The athlete’s ability to perform at a high level consistently is what sets him apart from his competitors.

She has the ability to work well under tight deadlines and meet all of her commitments.

He has the ability to listen actively and understand others’ perspectives.

The engineer’s ability to design and build innovative structures makes him valuable to the company.

She has the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and remain flexible in her approach.

He has the ability to negotiate and mediate effectively in difficult situations.

The therapist’s ability to create a safe and supportive environment for her clients is essential to her practice.

She has the ability to think outside of the box and come up with unique ideas.

He has the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in a variety of settings.

The designer’s ability to create visually appealing and functional products sets her apart from others.

She has the ability to plan and organize efficiently to achieve her goals.

He has the ability to work well independently and take the initiative.

The nurse’s ability to provide compassionate care to her patients makes her a valuable member of the healthcare team.

She has the ability to manage her time effectively and prioritize her tasks.

He has the ability to work well in a team and contribute to group projects.

The salesperson’s ability to persuade and influence others makes him successful in his field.

She has the ability to persuade others to see her point of view.

He has the ability to research and gather information from a variety of sources.

The lawyer’s ability to argue and defend her clients is essential to her practice.

She has the ability to pay attention to detail and ensure accuracy in her work.

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