To Have a Windfall Meaning & Sentence

To Have a Windfall Meaning

An unexpected good fortune

To Have a Windfall Sentence Examples

  • After years of hard work, he finally had a windfall when he won the lottery.
  • The company had a windfall when its new product became a huge success.
  • She had a windfall when she inherited her uncle’s fortune.
  • The small business had a windfall when a big corporation offered to buy it out.
  • He had a windfall when he sold his collection of rare stamps.
  • She had a windfall when her book became a best-seller.
  • The country had a windfall when a new oil reserve was discovered.
  • He had a windfall when he sold his tech startup for millions of dollars.
  • The family had a windfall when they found a buried treasure in their backyard.
  • She had a windfall when she received a large settlement from a lawsuit.
  • The couple had a windfall when they sold their real estate property for a profit.
  • He had a windfall when he received a large bonus from his employer.
  • The company had a windfall when a new contract boosted their revenue.
  • She had a windfall when she received a large inheritance from her grandmother.
  • The town had a windfall when a new casino was built, bringing in new jobs and money.
  • He had a windfall when he sold his patent for a high price.
  • The family had a windfall when they received a large settlement from a car accident.
  • She had a windfall when her artwork sold for a high price at a gallery show.
  • The small town had a windfall when a new industry moved in, bringing in new jobs and economic growth.
  • He had a windfall when he received a large payout from an investment.
  • The company had a windfall when a new technology revolutionized their industry.
  • She had a windfall when her blog went viral and she received many sponsorships and advertising deals.
  • The community had a windfall when a new shopping mall was built, bringing in new businesses and customers.
  • He had a windfall when his stock options vested and he was able to sell them for a profit.
  • The family had a windfall when they found a rare gem while on a mining expedition.
  • She had a windfall when she received a large grant for her research project.
  • The company had a windfall when a new software they developed became very popular.
  • He had a windfall when he sold his old comic book collection for a high price.
  • The city had a windfall when a new tourism industry was established, bringing in new jobs and money.
  • She had a windfall when her startup received a large investment from a venture capitalist.
  • The family had a windfall when they found a large amount of gold while on a trip to a foreign country.
  • He had a windfall when he received a large bonus for his exceptional performance at work.
  • The company had a windfall when they secured a major contract with a large corporation.
  • She had a windfall when her music album went platinum and she received a large payout.
  • The region had a windfall when a new power plant was built, bringing in new jobs and economic growth.
  • He had a windfall when he sold his antique car collection for a high price.
  • The family had a windfall when they received a large settlement from a medical malpractice lawsuit.
  • She had a windfall when her photography went viral and she received many offers for collaborations.

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