Go a Long Way Meaning & Sentence

Go a Long Way Meaning

To continue with an activity

Go a Long Way Sentence Examples

  • A little kindness can go a long way in making someone’s day.
  • Consistently showing up to work on time can go a long way in building trust with your boss.
  • A well-written cover letter can go a long way in securing a job interview.
  • A positive attitude can go a long way in overcoming obstacles.
  • Being a good listener can go a long way in building strong relationships.
  • A well-maintained car can go a long way in preventing costly repairs.
  • A solid education can go a long way in opening doors to career opportunities.
  • Being punctual can go a long way in making a good impression.
  • A good work ethic can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A healthy diet and regular exercise can go a long way in maintaining good health.
  • A strong support system can go a long way in overcoming difficult challenges.
  • Putting in extra effort can go a long way in impressing your boss.
  • A good reputation can go a long way in building trust with others.
  • A strong network can go a long way in finding job opportunities.
  • A little generosity can go a long way in spreading happiness.
  • A good sense of humor can go a long way in breaking the ice.
  • Being organized can go a long way in maximizing productivity.
  • A well-written resume can go a long way in getting your foot in the door.
  • A willingness to learn can go a long way in advancing your career.
  • A little patience can go a long way in preventing conflicts.
  • A good sense of timing can go a long way in making a sale.
  • A strong work-life balance can go a long way in preventing burnout.
  • A good set of skills can go a long way in making you more marketable.
  • A little bit of planning can go a long way in ensuring success.
  • A good attitude towards work can go a long way in achieving goals.
  • A strong sense of self-discipline can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good set of manners can go a long way in making a good impression.
  • A little bit of innovation can go a long way in solving problems.
  • A good sense of responsibility can go a long way in building trust with others.
  • A good set of communication skills can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good sense of teamwork can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A little bit of confidence can go a long way in overcoming obstacles.
  • A good sense of adaptability can go a long way in thriving in a changing environment.
  • A good set of leadership skills can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good sense of risk management can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A little bit of creativity can go a long way in solving problems.
  • A good sense of strategic thinking can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good set of negotiation skills can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good sense of time management can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A little bit of perseverance can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good sense of emotional intelligence can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good set of public speaking skills can go a long way in achieving success.
  • A good sense of creativity can go a long way in achieving success.

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