Mend or End Meaning & Sentence

Mend or End Meaning

To improve or ruin

Mend or End Sentence Examples

  • It’s time to either mend or end this relationship.
  • We have to make a decision to either mend or end our partnership.
  • The company is at a crossroads. They have to decide whether to mend or end the current business model.
  • He’s been struggling with his addiction for years. It’s time for him to either mend or end it.
  • The team is in crisis. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current approach.
  • The relationship between the two countries has been strained for too long. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The company is losing money. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current product line.
  • The friendship has been on the rocks for a while. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The marriage has been in trouble for a while. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The partnership has been in a difficult spot for months. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The team has been underperforming. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current strategy.
  • The company is facing challenges. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current direction.
  • The alliance has been shaky. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The relationship has been in a rough patch. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The company is facing issues. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current operations.
  • The friendship has been on thin ice. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The marriage has been in a bad place. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The partnership has been in a crisis. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The team has been struggling. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current approach.
  • The company is in trouble. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current direction.
  • The alliance has been faltering. It’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The relationship has been in turmoil, it’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The company is facing problems, they need to decide whether to mend or end the current business model.
  • The friendship has been on the brink of collapse, it’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The marriage has been in a difficult state, it’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The partnership has been in a precarious position, it’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The team has been under pressure, they need to decide whether to mend or end the current strategy.
  • The company is at a turning point. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current direction.
  • The alliance has been fragile, it’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The relationship has been on the verge of breaking, it’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The company is in a precarious situation. They need to decide whether to mend or end the current operations.
  • The friendship has been on the brink of ending, it’s time to either mend or end it.
  • The marriage has been in a critical state, it’s time to either mend or end it.

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