As Usual Meaning & Sentence

As Usual Meaning

In the same way as what happens most of the time or in most cases

As Usual Sentence Examples

  • As usual, he arrived at work early.
  • As usual, the morning traffic was heavy.
  • As usual, she had a cup of coffee before starting her day.
  • As usual, the meeting was unproductive.
  • As usual, he forgot his keys at home.
  • As usual, the weather was sunny and warm.
  • As usual, she spent her lunch break reading.
  • As usual, the team struggled to meet the deadline.
  • As usual, he failed to follow through on his promises.
  • As usual, she was the last one to leave the office.
  • As usual, the train was delayed.
  • As usual, he ordered the same dish at the restaurant.
  • As usual, she forgot her phone at home.
  • As usual, the store was crowded on a Saturday.
  • As usual, he overslept and was running late.
  • As usual, she was the first one to arrive at the party.
  • As usual, the game was intense and exciting.
  • As usual, he was the life of the party.
  • As usual, she was the designated driver for the night.
  • As usual, the concert was sold out.
  • As usual, he was running late for his flight.
  • As usual, she was the first one to finish the exam.
  • As usual, the park was filled with families on the weekend.
  • As usual, he was the last one to leave the bar.
  • As usual, she was the first one to arrive at the meeting.
  • As usual, the gym was packed on a Monday morning.
  • As usual, he was the one to make the final decision.
  • As usual, she was the one to take charge of the situation.
  • As usual, the traffic was a nightmare during rush hour.
  • As usual, he was the one to bring snacks to the movie night.
  • As usual, she was the one to organize the team building event.
  • As usual, the presentation was filled with technical difficulties.
  • As usual, he was the one to crack a joke to lighten the mood.
  • As usual, she was the one to volunteer for extra work.
  • As usual, the line for the amusement park ride was long.
  • As usual, he was the one to pay the bill at the end of the meal.
  • As usual, she was the one to remind the group of their deadline.
  • As usual, the beach was packed with tourists in the summer.
  • As usual, he was the one to offer to help with the move.
  • As usual, she was the one to bring dessert to the potluck.
  • As usual, the store was out of stock of his favorite product.
  • As usual, he was the one to make the final call on the project.
  • As usual, she was the one to lead the team through the tough times.
  • As usual, the concert was loud and energetic.
  • As usual, he was the one to bring up the topic of conversation.
  • As usual, she was the one to take notes during the meeting.
  • As usual, the museum was crowded on a Sunday afternoon.
  • As usual, he was the one to offer to give the presentation.
  • As usual, she was the one to suggest the new idea.

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