Make Friends Name Meaning & Sentence

Make Friends Meaning

To become a friend of somebody

Make Friends Sentence Examples

  • He’s always making friends wherever he goes.
  • She’s having a hard time making friends in her new school.
  • He’s too shy to make friends easily.
  • She’s always making friends through her social media accounts.
  • I made a lot of friends during my college years.
  • He’s trying to make friends with the new kid in class.
  • She’s always making friends at the gym.
  • I need to make friends with my neighbors to feel more connected to the community.
  • He’s making friends with the other inmates in prison.
  • She’s making friends with her coworkers to climb the corporate ladder.
  • I made a lot of friends during my travels.
  • He’s making friends with the other players on the team.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to study together.
  • He’s making friends with the other musicians in the band.
  • I made a lot of friends while studying abroad.
  • He’s making friends with the other artists at the studio.
  • She’s making friends with her coworkers to form a support group.
  • I must make friends with my coworkers to feel more comfortable at work.
  • He’s making friends with the other residents at the assisted living facility.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to form a project team.
  • I made a lot of friends while volunteering.
  • He’s making friends with the other attendees at the conference.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to form a social club.
  • He’s making friends with the other members of the church.
  • I made a lot of friends while participating in extracurricular activities.
  • He’s making friends with the other members at the community center.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to form a book club.
  • He’s making friends with the other members of the political organization.
  • I made a lot of friends while working on the campaign.
  • He’s making friends with the other members of the support group.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to form a club.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to form a student council.
  • I made a lot of friends while participating in school activities.
  • He’s making friends with the other members of the organization.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to form a team.
  • I need to make friends and feel more comfortable in class.
  • He’s making friends with the other members of the group.
  • She’s making friends with her classmates to form a study group.
  • I made a lot of friends while participating in a hobby group.
  • He’s making friends with the other members of the club.

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