Beside vs Besides vs Except – What’s the difference?

The words Beside and Besides seem to have the same meaning but they are quite different from each other in usage and definition. Let’s check out Beside vs Besides vs Except for differences.

Semantic Difference between Beside and Besides

The words beside and besides semantically differ from each other. The word Beside means “by the side of” or “next to somebody or something”. It is also used to compare with somebody or something. Whereas the word Besides means “in addition to something or somebody” or ” apart from somebody or something”. Below are given some examples of Beside and Besides.

“Beside” Examples

Example 1: I sat beside my mother all night.

Example 2: There is a textile mill beside the River Thames.

Example 3: John’s painting looks childish beside yours.

Example 4: Your work looks quite impressive beside hers.

“Besides” Examples

Example 1: You and I have lots of things in common besides music.

Example 2: What other vegetables do you like besides carrots.

Example 3: Besides reading novels, I also like writing short stories in my spare time.

Example 4: There is no one in my family besides my only son.

Beside in a sentence

  1. The child was sitting beside her mother.
  2. Go and sit beside your brother.
  3. They walked beside each other in silence.
  4. I placed the book on the table beside hers.
  5. She was beside herself with rage when I slapped her.

Besides in a sentence

The usage of besides at the beginning of a sentence is given below.

  1. Besides Spanish, I know German and Italian.
  2. Besides balloons, they also bought many candies for the niece.
  3. Besides the English book, I have the Encyclopedia.
  4. What other sports do you play besides basketball?
  5. Besides, it is too late now.

Which part of speech is Beside?

The word Beside is a preposition. It means “next to or at the side of”. For example – You can sit here beside me.

Which part of speech is Besides?

The word Besides is a preposition. It means “in addition to somebody or something”. For example – What other sports do you like besides cricket?

The word Besides is an adverb also. It is used to make an extra comment that adds to what you have just said. For example – I don’t really want to go there. Besides, it is too late.

Besides Vs Except

The word Besides is a preposition and it means “in addition to”. For example – What other English desserts do you like besides pineapple pudding?

The word Except is also a preposition and it means ” apart from”. It is used to mention the only thing that is not included in the statement. For example:

  • I like all English traditional desserts except pineapple pudding.
  • The miners work every day except Friday.
  • All students attended the class except Manisha.
  • I have everything for the trip except a pair of good leather shoes.

Beside and Besides Exercises

1. __________________ working as an engineer, she also writes poems in her free time.

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Answer – Besides

2. Your answer is ________________ the point.

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Answer – Beside

3. __________________ advising me, she gave me money.

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Answer – Besides

4. Both the girls came late in the classroom and sat ___________________ me.

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Answer – Beside

5. ____________________ Salman, all of the boys were present in the lab.

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Answer – Besides

6. I have got no family _________________ my parents.

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Answer – Besides

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