Are Vegan and Vegetarian the same thing?

Are Vegan and Vegetarian the same thing? The words “Vegan” and “Vegetarian” seem to have the same meaning but there lies a notable difference between these two words.

Key differences between Vegan and Vegetarian: The word “Vegan” is used to denote a person who eats only plant-derived foods whereas the word “Vegetarian” is used to denote a person who eats plant-derived as well as animal-derived foods.

Plant-derived foods include vegetables, pulses, seeds, etc. whereas animal-derived foods include milk, cheese, egg, honey, etc.

A vegan does not eat animal-derived foods such as milk, egg, honey, etc. He/she also does not eat animal meat at all. A person who is Vegan can eat only plant-derived foods.

A vegetarian can eat animal-derived foods like milk, butter, cheese, honey, etc. But he/she does not eat animal meat like a vegan.

“Vegan” Pronunciation

The word “vegan” is pronounced as – “”. It was first derived and coined in 1944 from the word “Vegetarian”. The word “vegan” is formed by taking the first three letters and the last two letters of the word “vegetarian”.

“Vegetarian” Pronunciation

The word “vegetarian” is pronounced as – “veh.juh.teuh.ree.uhn”.

Is Vegan also Vegetarian?

A vegan and a vegetarian do not consume or eat animal flesh or meat. This is the similarity between the two. In other words, we can say that a vegan is a subset or subgroup of a vegetarian who also does not consume or eat animal-derived products such as dairy products such as milk, honey, cheese, etc.

Can a Vegan eat fish?

No. A vegan does not consume or eat fish. It is because fish flesh/meat is an animal-derived food.

Do Vegans eat pasta?

Yes, a vegan can eat pasta. It is because pasta does not contain any animal-derived food unless it is mentioned on the packaging.

Can a Vegan drink milk?

No. A vegan can’t consume or drink milk because milk is a dairy product which is derived from animals, such as cow, buffalo, goat, camel, sheep, etc.

Do Vegans eat cheese?

A vegan can eat plant-derived cheese only. He/she can’t eat animal-derived cheese.

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