A Bull in the China Shop Meaning & Sentence

A Bull in the China Shop Meaning

An awkward person

A Bull in the China Shop Sentence Examples

  • John is like a bull in a china shop, always causing chaos wherever he goes.
  • She was a bull in the china shop, breaking everything in her path.
  • He was a bull in the china shop, destroying everything in his wake.
  • The new employee was a bull in the china shop, causing confusion and disorder.
  • The CEO was a bull in the china shop, disrupting the office with his aggressive behavior.
  • The construction workers were like bulls in the china shop, causing damage to the delicate building.
  • The children were like bulls in the china shop, breaking everything they touched.
  • The customer was a bull in the china shop, causing damage to the merchandise.
  • He was a bull in the china shop, causing problems with his reckless behavior.
  • The party-goers were like bulls in the china shop, causing destruction to the host’s home.
  • The tourists were like bulls in the china shop, causing damage to the historical site.
  • The new intern was a bull in the china shop, causing chaos in the workplace.
  • The IT department was like a bull in the china shop, disrupting the company’s network.
  • The delivery driver was a bull in the china shop, causing damage to the packages.
  • The activists were like bulls in the china shop, causing destruction to the government building.
  • The basketball team was like a bull in the china shop, breaking everything in their path.
  • The protesters were like bulls in the china shop, causing destruction to the streets.
  • The football team was a bull in the china shop, causing damage to the field.
  • The concert-goers were like bulls in the china shop, causing destruction to the venue.
  • The new manager was a bull in the china shop, causing problems with his management style.
  • The political campaign was like a bull in the china shop, causing chaos and confusion.
  • The software developers were like bulls in the china shop, causing bugs and errors.
  • The chefs were like bulls in the china shop, causing chaos in the kitchen.
  • The wedding guests were like bulls in the china shop, causing destruction to the venue.
  • The company merger was like a bull in the china shop, causing problems and disruption.
  • The police officers were like bulls in the china shop, causing destruction during the raid.
  • The sales team was a bull in the china shop, causing problems with their aggressive tactics.
  • The new product launch was like a bull in the china shop, causing confusion and uncertainty.
  • The students were like bulls in the china shop, causing destruction to the school.
  • The business deal was like a bull in the china shop, causing problems and complications.
  • The company culture was a bull in the china shop, causing disruption and dissatisfaction.
  • The construction project was like a bull in the china shop, causing delays and complications.
  • The political rally was like a bull in the china shop, causing chaos and division.
  • The race was like a bull in the china shop, causing destruction to the track.
  • The new technology was a bull in the china shop, causing problems and confusion.
  • The company’s reputation was like a bull in the china shop, causing damage and negative perception.

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