Hole and Corner Policy Meaning
Improper policy
Hole and Corner Policy Sentence Examples
- The company’s hole and corner policy is causing employees to feel disillusioned and demotivated.
- The government’s hole and corner policy on immigration has sparked widespread protest.
- The CEO’s hole and corner policy of not disclosing financial information is causing concern among investors.
- The school’s hole and corner policy on discipline is causing frustration among parents.
- The organization’s hole and corner policy on transparency is causing mistrust among its members.
- The politician’s hole and corner policy on campaign financing is raising eyebrows.
- The hole and corner policy of the department is causing chaos and confusion among staff.
- The hole and corner policy on data privacy is causing concern among consumers.
- The company’s hole and corner policy on employee benefits is causing resentment among workers.
- The hole and corner policy of the government on environmental regulations is causing concern among activists.
- The hole and corner policy of the school board on curriculum is causing controversy.
- The hole and corner policy of the company on product testing is causing concern among consumers.
- The hole and corner policy of the organization on recruitment is causing frustration among job seekers.
- The hole and corner policy of the government on tax reform is causing confusion among citizens.
- The hole and corner policy of the company on safety is causing concern among employees.
- The hole and corner policy of the organization on donations is causing mistrust among donors.
- The hole and corner policy of the department on promotions is causing resentment among staff.
- The hole and corner policy of the school on standardized testing is causing frustration among teachers.
- The hole and corner policy of the company on outsourcing is causing concern among workers.
- The hole and corner policy of the government on surveillance is causing concern among civil liberties advocates.
- The hole and corner policy of the organization on membership is causing frustration among potential members.
- The hole and corner policy of the department on budget is causing concern among staff.
- The hole and corner policy of the company on advertising is causing concern among consumer advocacy groups.
- The hole and corner policy of the government on gun control is causing controversy.
- The hole and corner policy of the school on dress code is causing frustration among students.
- The hole and corner policy of the organization on leadership is causing concern among members.
- The hole and corner policy of the department on training is causing frustration among staff.
- The hole and corner policy of the company on customer service is causing concern among consumers.
- The hole and corner policy of the government on healthcare is causing confusion among citizens.
- The hole and corner policy of the school on discipline is causing concern among parents.
- The hole and corner policy of the organization on fundraising is causing frustration among donors.
- The hole and corner policy of the department on staffing is causing concern among staff.
- The hole and corner policy of the company on research and development is causing concern among investors.
- The hole and corner policy of the government on education is causing frustration among teachers.
- The hole and corner policy of the school on extracurricular activities is causing concern among parents.
- The hole and corner policy of the organization on events is causing frustration among members.
- The hole and corner policy of the department on regulations is causing confusion among staff.
- The hole and corner policy of the company on product recalls is causing concern among consumers.
- The hole and corner policy of the government on national security is causing concern among civil liberties advocates.