Yoke of Opinion Meaning & Sentence

Yoke of Opinion Meaning

Force of public opinion

Yoke of Opinion Sentence Examples

  • The yoke of opinion weighed heavily on him as he struggled to make a decision.
  • She felt trapped under the yoke of opinion and couldn’t escape the pressure to conform.
  • He broke free from the yoke of opinion and followed his own path.
  • The yoke of opinion was too much to bear and she felt suffocated.
  • The yoke of opinion constrained his creativity and stifled his artistic expression.
  • He was determined not to be burdened by the yoke of opinion and to think for himself.
  • She refused to be held down by the yoke of opinion and stood up for her beliefs.
  • The yoke of opinion was a constant struggle for him as he tried to navigate social norms.
  • She was able to lift the yoke of opinion and be true to herself.
  • The yoke of opinion was a heavy load to carry and it affected his mental health.
  • He was a slave to the yoke of opinion and couldn’t escape the judgment of others.
  • She was tired of living under the yoke of opinion and wanted to break free.
  • The yoke of opinion was a powerful force that controlled his actions.
  • He was able to shed the yoke of opinion and live his life on his own terms.
  • She was held captive by the yoke of opinion and couldn’t make her own choices.
  • The yoke of opinion was a constant reminder of the pressure to conform.
  • He was determined to break the yoke of opinion and live his life as he wanted.
  • She was able to rise above the yoke of opinion and make her own decisions.
  • The yoke of opinion was a heavy burden that affected his self-esteem.
  • He was able to throw off the yoke of opinion and be true to himself.
  • She was tired of the yoke of opinion and wanted to live her life without judgment.
  • The yoke of opinion was a constant struggle for him as he tried to fit in.
  • He was able to free himself from the yoke of opinion and be his own person.
  • She was held down by the yoke of opinion and couldn’t express herself freely.
  • The yoke of opinion was a powerful force that controlled her actions.
  • He was able to break the yoke of opinion and live his life authentically.
  • She was tired of being burdened by the yoke of opinion and wanted to be free.
  • The yoke of opinion was a constant reminder of the pressure to fit in.
  • He was determined to throw off the yoke of opinion and live his own life.
  • She was able to rise above the yoke of opinion and make her own choices.
  • The yoke of opinion was a heavy load that affected her self-worth.
  • He was able to break free from the yoke of opinion and be true to himself.
  • She was trapped under the yoke of opinion and couldn’t escape the judgment of others.
  • The yoke of opinion was a constant struggle for her as she tried to navigate social norms.
  • He was determined not to be held down by the yoke of opinion and to think for himself.
  • She was tired of the yoke of opinion and wanted to live her life without constraints.
  • The yoke of opinion was a powerful force that controlled his thoughts.
  • He was able to shed the yoke of opinion and live his life authentically.

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