Upper Hand Meaning & Sentence

Upper Hand Meaning

To dominate, control

Upper Hand Sentence Examples

  • He always tries to gain the upper hand in negotiations.
  • She had the upper hand in the match, but ultimately lost.
  • The company has the upper hand in the market due to its strong reputation.
  • He always wants to be in control and have the upper hand in his relationships.
  • She was able to gain the upper hand in the debate by effectively using her knowledge and experience.
  • The team had the upper hand in the first half of the game, but lost it in the second half.
  • He is always looking for ways to gain the upper hand in his business dealings.
  • The company was able to gain the upper hand in the industry by introducing new technology.
  • He had the upper hand in the argument, but decided to back down to keep the peace.
  • She always tries to have the upper hand in her personal interactions with others.
  • The company was able to gain the upper hand by successfully launching new products.
  • He is always looking for ways to gain the upper hand in his negotiations.
  • She had the upper hand in the conversation, but decided to let the other person speak.
  • The team had the upper hand for most of the game, but lost in the final minutes.
  • He wants to have the upper hand in his relationships, but it often leads to conflicts.
  • The company has the upper hand in the market due to its strong financial position.
  • He had the upper hand in the negotiation, but decided to compromise for the sake of the deal.
  • She always wants to have the upper hand in her professional interactions with others.
  • The company was able to gain the upper hand by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
  • He had the upper hand in the fight, but chose to walk away instead.
  • She wants to have the upper hand in her personal relationships, but it often leads to resentment.
  • The team had the upper hand throughout the game, but the other team came back and won in the end.
  • He is always looking for ways to gain the upper hand in his professional life.
  • The company was able to gain the upper hand by focusing on customer service.
  • He had the upper hand in the discussion, but chose to listen to the other person’s point of view.
  • She always wants to have the upper hand in her social interactions with others.
  • The company has the upper hand in the market due to its strong brand recognition.
  • He had the upper hand in the competition, but decided to let the other person win.
  • She wants to have the upper hand in her romantic relationships, but it often leads to disappointment.
  • The team had the upper hand for most of the game, but lost due to a lack of focus.
  • He is always looking for ways to gain the upper hand in his personal life.
  • The company was able to gain the upper hand by diversifying its product line.
  • He had the upper hand in the dispute, but chose to compromise for the sake of the relationship.
  • She always wants to have the upper hand in her academic interactions with others.
  • The company has the upper hand in the market due to its strong distribution network.
  • He had the upper hand in the race, but decided to slow down and let the other person win.
  • She wants to have the upper hand in her family relationships, but it often leads to alienation.

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