To Throw Cold Water On Meaning & Sentence

To Throw Cold Water On Meaning

To discourage

To Throw Cold Water On Sentence Examples

  • The manager threw cold water on the team’s plan to expand the business.
  • The teacher threw cold water on the students’ excitement about the upcoming field trip.
  • The doctor threw cold water on the patient’s hope for a speedy recovery.
  • The investors threw cold water on the entrepreneur’s pitch for a new startup.
  • The weather forecast threw cold water on our plans for a beach day.
  • The boss threw cold water on the employee’s request for a raise.
  • The parents threw cold water on their children’s idea to get a puppy.
  • The coach threw cold water on the athlete’s dreams of making it to the Olympics.
  • The critic threw cold water on the actor’s performance in the play.
  • The traffic jam threw cold water on our plans to arrive on time.
  • The judge threw cold water on the lawyer’s argument in court.
  • The lack of funding threw cold water on the charity’s plans for a new project.
  • The negative reviews threw cold water on the new restaurant’s grand opening.
  • The unexpected costs threw cold water on the renovation plans for the house.
  • The injury threw cold water on the athlete’s hopes for a championship title.
  • The unexpected delay threw cold water on our plans for a surprise party.
  • The bad news threw cold water on the family’s holiday plans.
  • The canceled flight threw cold water on the couple’s romantic getaway.
  • The slow internet connection threw cold water on the online meeting.
  • The rude customer threw cold water on the salesperson’s mood.
  • The lack of support from colleagues threw cold water on the employee’s motivation.
  • The broken equipment threw cold water on the team’s chances of winning the game.
  • The high prices threw cold water on the shopper’s desire to buy a new outfit.
  • The outdated technology threw cold water on the company’s productivity.
  • The unexpected rain threw cold water on the outdoor concert.
  • The unexpected visitors threw cold water on the couple’s plans for a quiet evening.
  • The long wait threw cold water on the customer’s patience.
  • The unexpected bill threw cold water on the family’s budget.
  • The lack of interest threw cold water on the student’s passion for the subject.
  • The unexpected conflict threw cold water on the team’s collaboration efforts.
  • The lost keys threw cold water on the plans for the day.
  • The lack of communication threw cold water on the project’s progress.
  • The power outage threw cold water on the company’s operations.
  • The broken promise threw cold water on the customer’s loyalty.
  • The mistake threw cold water on the employee’s credibility.
  • The unexpected illness threw cold water on the family’s vacation plans.
  • The lack of resources threw cold water on the organization’s goals.
  • The sudden change of plans threw cold water on the team’s motivation.
  • The unexpected expenses threw cold water on the couple’s plans to save money.
  • The lack of time threw cold water on the employee’s ability to finish the project.
  • The unexpected roadblock threw cold water on the company’s growth strategy.
  • The bad weather threw cold water on the festival’s attendance.
  • The lack of experience threw cold water on the job applicant’s chances of getting hired.
  • The lack of preparation threw cold water on the team’s chances of success.
  • The unexpected rejection threw cold water on the student’s confidence.
  • The unexpected delay in delivery threw cold water on the customer’s satisfaction.
  • The unexpected policy change threw cold water on the employee’s work plan.
  • The lack of creativity threw cold water on the designer’s project.

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