To Come Down in the World Meaning & Sentence

To Come Down in the World Meaning

To lose one’s social and financial position

To Come Down in the World Sentence Examples

  • He used to be a successful businessman, but now he’s come down in the world and is struggling to make ends meet.
  • She was once a famous actress, but now she’s come down in the world and can barely find work.
  • He used to be a wealthy man, but after losing all his money, he’s come down in the world.
  • She was once a respected scientist, but now she’s come down in the world and works as a lab technician.
  • He used to be a powerful politician, but now he’s come down in the world and is out of office.
  • She was once a renowned artist, but now she’s come down in the world and is struggling to make a living.
  • He used to be a successful lawyer, but now he’s come down in the world and works as a paralegal.
  • She was once a well-known journalist, but now she’s come down in the world and writes for a small local newspaper.
  • He used to be a respected doctor, but now he’s come down in the world and is working in a rural clinic.
  • She was once a famous chef, but now she’s come down in the world and is working as a line cook.
  • He used to be a successful entrepreneur, but now he’s come down in the world and is working for someone else.
  • She was once a popular musician, but now she’s come down in the world and plays in small clubs.
  • He used to be a wealthy investor, but now he’s come down in the world and is living paycheck to paycheck.
  • She was once a successful real estate agent, but now she’s come down in the world and is working as a receptionist.
  • He used to be a respected teacher, but now he’s come down in the world and is substitute teaching.
  • She was once a well-known author, but now she’s come down in the world and is struggling to publish her work.
  • He used to be a powerful CEO, but now he’s come down in the world and is working as a manager.
  • She was once a famous fashion designer, but now she’s come down in the world and is working as a seamstress.
  • He used to be a successful stockbroker, but now he’s come down in the world and works as a financial advisor.
  • She was once a well-known photographer, but now she’s come down in the world and works as a photo retoucher.
  • He was a wealthy businessman, but now he’s come down in the world and is running a small convenience store.
  • She was once a successful event planner, but now she’s come down in the world and works as a party planner.
  • He used to be a respected engineer, but now he’s come down in the world and works as a draftsman.
  • She was once a famous singer, but now she’s come down in the world and is singing at weddings.
  • He used to be a successful software developer, but now he’s come down in the world and is working as a QA tester.
  • She was once a well-known journalist, but now she’s come down in the world and is writing for a small blog.
  • He used to be a powerful judge, but now he’s come down in the world and works as a mediator.

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