To Burn the Midnight Oil Meaning & Sentence

To Burn the Midnight Oil Meaning

To work very hard till late at night

To Burn the Midnight Oil Sentence Examples

  • I have to study for my final exams, so I’ll be burning the midnight oil this week.
  • If we want to meet the deadline, we’ll have to burn the midnight oil and work overtime.
  • She burned the midnight oil to complete her thesis on time.
  • He’s been burning the midnight oil to prepare for tomorrow’s big presentation.
  • The team burned the midnight oil to finish the project before the deadline.
  • They say that success requires burning the midnight oil.
  • I can’t believe we have to burn the midnight oil again to catch up on work.
  • She’s been burning the midnight oil to learn the new software.
  • They’re burning the midnight oil to finalize the details of their new business plan.
  • He’s determined to ace his exams, so he’s been burning the midnight oil every night.
  • I’m afraid we’ll have to burn the midnight oil to finish this report.
  • We have a big project due tomorrow, so we’re burning the midnight oil to complete it.
  • She burned the midnight oil to finish the book she was writing.
  • He burned the midnight oil to pass his driving test.
  • The team burned the midnight oil to prepare for the big game.
  • They burned the midnight oil to finish the renovations on time.
  • She burned the midnight oil to get into the best university.
  • He burned the midnight oil to complete his certification.
  • They burned the midnight oil to finalize the budget for the next year.
  • I’m burning the midnight oil to learn a new programming language.
  • We have a big project due next week, so we’re burning the midnight oil to get ahead.
  • She burned the midnight oil to get her work done before her vacation.
  • He burned the midnight oil to finish his book before the deadline.
  • They burned the midnight oil to prepare for the big interview.
  • I’m burning the midnight oil to pass my exams.
  • She’s burning the midnight oil to finish her research paper.
  • He’s burning the midnight oil to prepare for his speech.
  • They’re burning the midnight oil to finalize the deal.
  • I have to burn the midnight oil to get caught up on work.
  • We have a lot of work to do, so we’re burning the midnight oil to finish it.
  • She burned the midnight oil to finish her studies.
  • He burned the midnight oil to get his degree.
  • They burned the midnight oil to prepare for the exam.
  • I’m burning the midnight oil to learn a new skill.
  • We must burn the midnight oil to finish the project on time.
  • She burned the midnight oil to get the job done.
  • He burned the midnight oil to finish the presentation.
  • They burned the midnight oil to prepare for the competition.
  • I’m burning the midnight oil to get the website up and running.
  • We have a big deadline tomorrow, so we’re burning the midnight oil to meet it.
  • She burned the midnight oil to finish the project before the deadline.
  • He burned the midnight oil to get the job done right.
  • They burned the midnight oil to prepare for the big test.
  • I’m burning the midnight oil to improve my grades.
  • We have to burn the midnight oil to finish the proposal.
  • She burned the midnight oil to get the report done.

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