To Bite the Dust Meaning & Sentence

To Bite the Dust Meaning

To suffer defeat

To Bite the Dust Sentence Examples

  • After years of hard work, the company finally bit the dust.
  • He was so sure of his success, but his dreams eventually bit the dust.
  • She had high hopes for her new business, but it bit the dust before it even took off.
  • Their relationship had been on the rocks for a while, and it finally bit the dust.
  • He was the favorite to win the race but bit the dust in the final stretch.
  • The concert was a disaster, and the band’s career bit the dust.
  • The project was plagued with problems from the start, and it bit the dust before it could be completed.
  • His political career bit the dust after the scandal broke.
  • The company’s stock took a hit, and it bit the dust before it could recover.
  • She had worked hard to get where she was, but her dreams eventually caught the dust.
  • Their marriage had struggled for a while, and it finally bit the dust.
  • He had been on top of the world, but his fame bit the dust after the scandal.
  • She had put so much time and effort into her novel, but it bit the dust when publishers rejected it.
  • The company’s reputation was irreparably damaged, and it bit the dust.
  • His plan had been perfect, but it bit the dust when things went wrong.
  • She had been so close to winning, but her hopes eventually bit the dust.
  • The team had been winning but bit the dust in the championship game.
  • His business venture bit the dust after he ran out of funding.
  • She had been the front-runner in the competition but bit the dust in the final round.
  • Their friendship had been strong, but it bit the dust when they had a falling out.
  • He had been on the verge of success, but his career bit the dust due to the scandal.
  • She had been so sure of herself, but her confidence bit the dust when she failed the test.
  • The company had been doing well but bit the dust after the market crash.
  • His dreams had been within reach, but they bit the dust when he didn’t get the job.
  • She had been working towards her goal for years, but it bit the dust when she was injured.
  • Their relationship had been going well, but it bit the dust when they had a disagreement.
  • He had been on a roll, but his luck bit the dust when he lost his job.
  • She had been so close to achieving her goal, but it bit the dust when she didn’t get the promotion.
  • The team had been doing well but bit the dust when the star player was injured.
  • His plan had been foolproof, but it bit the dust when things didn’t go as expected.
  • She had been confident in her abilities, but her self-assurance bit the dust when she failed the exam.
  • The company had been making a profit, but it bit the dust when the economy took a downturn.

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