Take Notice Meaning & Sentence

Take Notice Meaning

To notice, to mind, to heed of

Take Notice Sentence Examples

  • Take notice of the new employee. She’s been doing great work.
  • Don’t take notice of the negative comments, focus on the positive.
  • Take notice of the warning signs before it’s too late.
  • Take notice of the small details, they can make a big difference.
  • If you want to be successful, you need to take notice of what others are doing.
  • Take notice of the changes happening in the industry.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re running low on supplies.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not meeting your goals.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not making progress.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not learning from your mistakes.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not taking advantage of opportunities.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not taking action.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being productive.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being efficient.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being effective.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being consistent.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being organized.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being punctual.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being reliable.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being accountable.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being flexible.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being adaptable.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being resilient.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being proactive.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being communicative.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being supportive.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being empathetic.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being understanding.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being patient.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being kind.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being generous.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being honest.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being trustworthy.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being respectful.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being responsible.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being ethical.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being fair.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being just.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being lawful.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being loyal.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being helpful.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being cooperative.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being collaborative.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being constructive.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being creative.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being innovative.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being visionary.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being ambitious.
  • Take notice of the fact that you’re not being motivated.

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