Run Amuck Meaning & Sentence

Run Amuck Meaning

Rush to in a frenzy

Run Amuck Sentence Examples

  • The kids were running amuck in the toy store, causing chaos everywhere they went.
  • The party was out of control, with people running amuck and breaking things.
  • The dog had been running amuck in the neighborhood, causing trouble for everyone.
  • The protesters ran amuck in the streets, causing damage and disrupting traffic.
  • The workers ran amuck in the factory, ignoring safety protocols and causing accidents.
  • The guests at the wedding were running amuck, drinking too much, and causing a scene.
  • The teenagers were running amuck at the mall, causing trouble and being loud.
  • The thieves ran amuck in the city, breaking into homes and stealing valuables.
  • The political campaign had turned into a circus, with candidates running amuck and making wild promises.
  • The clowns ran amuck at the circus, making the audience laugh and causing chaos.
  • The hackers were running amuck on the internet, causing damage to computer systems and stealing sensitive information.
  • The bees were running amuck in the park, attacking anyone who came near their hive.
  • The musicians were running amuck on stage, playing wildly and improvising on their instruments.
  • The athletes were running amuck on the field, pushing the limits of their physical abilities.
  • The partygoers were running amuck at the club, dancing wildly and having a great time.
  • The students were running amuck in the school, causing mischief and making their teachers’ lives difficult.
  • The politicians were running amuck in the government, making decisions without thinking about the consequences.
  • The animals were running amuck in the zoo, causing trouble and making a mess.
  • The salespeople were running amuck in the store, pressuring customers to buy things they didn’t need.
  • The drivers were running amuck on the road, ignoring traffic laws, and causing accidents.
  • The guests at the hotel were running amuck, causing trouble, and making noise late into the night.
  • The shoppers were running amuck in the mall, pushing and shoving to get the best deals.
  • The children were running amuck in the park, playing, and having fun without any adult supervision.
  • The group of friends was running amuck in the city, causing mischief and having a wild time.
  • The partygoers were running amuck at the house, drinking and having fun without any regard for the property.
  • The tourists were running amuck in the museum, taking pictures and touching exhibits without permission.
  • The shoppers were running amuck in the grocery store, ignoring social distancing guidelines.
  • The teenagers were running amuck at the skatepark, performing dangerous stunts and causing chaos.
  • The internet trolls were running amuck on social media, leaving hate comments and causing trouble.
  • The activists were running amuck in the city, causing chaos and demanding change.
  • The demonstrators were running amuck in the streets, causing damage and making their voices heard.
  • The partygoers were running amuck at the beach, drinking and causing trouble for the locals.
  • The group of boys was running amuck in the park, getting into trouble and causing mischief.
  • The performers were running amuck on stage, entertaining the crowd and causing chaos.
  • The bikers were running amuck on the trails, causing trouble and making a mess.
  • The football fans were running amuck at the game, cheering and causing a ruckus.

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