Oily Tongue Meaning & Sentence

Oily Tongue Meaning

The language of flattering or a flattering tongue

Oily Tongue Sentence Examples

  • He always had an oily tongue and could talk his way out of any situation.
  • She knew he was lying, but his oily tongue convinced her otherwise.
  • He was a master at using his oily tongue to manipulate people.
  • She couldn’t stand how he used his oily tongue to flirt with every woman he met.
  • His oily tongue made it difficult to trust anything he said.
  • She was always wary of his oily tongue and the lies it could tell.
  • He was known for his oily tongue and his ability to charm anyone.
  • She had to be careful not to fall for his oily tongue and smooth talk.
  • His oily tongue was his greatest weapon in the art of persuasion.
  • She was always on guard against his oily tongue and the deceit it could bring.
  • He had a way with words, and his oily tongue could convince anyone to do his bidding.
  • She knew he was a snake oil salesman thanks to his oily tongue.
  • His oily tongue was his greatest asset in the business world.
  • She was impressed by his oily tongue but knew not to trust him completely.
  • He had a silver tongue, but it was coated in oil, making it hard to trust him.
  • She knew he was a smooth talker, thanks to his oily tongue.
  • His oily tongue was the reason he could climb the corporate ladder so quickly.
  • She was always wary of his oily tongue, knowing it could easily lead her astray.
  • He had a way of sweet-talking anyone, thanks to his oily tongue.
  • She knew better than to fall for his oily tongue and empty promises.
  • His oily tongue was a double-edged sword, making him successful and untrustworthy.
  • She was careful not to be swayed by his oily tongue and its false promises.
  • He had a knack for persuasion, thanks to his oily tongue.
  • She knew he was a snake in the grass thanks to his oily tongue.
  • His oily tongue was the reason he could get away with so much.
  • She was always looking for his oily tongue and sneaky ways.
  • He had a way with words, but his oily tongue often hid his true intentions.
  • She knew he was a master of flattery, thanks to his oily tongue.
  • His oily tongue was the reason he was able to convince so many people to invest in his schemes.
  • She was always wary of his oily tongue, knowing it could easily lead her down the wrong path.
  • He had a silver tongue, but it was coated in oil, making it hard to trust his words.
  • She knew he was a smooth talker, thanks to his oily tongue, but she didn’t let him fool her.
  • His oily tongue was the reason he could get away with so many lies.
  • She was always on guard against his oily tongue and its deceitful ways.
  • Thanks to his oily tongue, he had a way of making anything sound good.
  • She knew better than to trust his oily tongue, knowing it could easily lead her astray.
  • His oily tongue was why he could escape so many sticky situations.
  • She was always wary of his oily tongue and its ability to manipulate.
  • Thanks to his oily tongue, he had a way of sugarcoating the truth.

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