Make the Best of Both the Worlds Meaning & Sentence

Make the Best of Both the Worlds Meaning

Benefit in both hands

Make the Best of Both the Worlds Sentence Examples

  • By working from home and going into the office, she was able to make the best of both worlds.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by living in the city and having a country house.
  • The company’s new policy allows employees to make the best of both worlds by having flexibility in their work schedules.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by studying abroad and still being able to stay close to her family.
  • The merger of the two companies allowed them to make the best of both worlds by combining their resources and expertise.
  • By switching to a hybrid learning model, the school was able to make the best of both worlds for students and teachers.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by investing in both stocks and real estate.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by pursuing her passion for music and still having a stable career in finance.
  • The company’s new strategy allows them to make the best of both worlds by having a strong online presence and still maintaining physical stores.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by having a job that allowed him to travel and still have a stable income.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by studying at a prestigious university and still being able to afford it.
  • By having a diverse portfolio, they were able to make the best of both worlds by minimizing risk and maximizing returns.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by living in the suburbs and still having easy access to the city.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by having a career in the arts and still being able to support her family.
  • The new technology allows us to make the best of both worlds by having the convenience of online shopping and the personal touch of in-store shopping.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by having a job that allowed him to work from home and still have the opportunity to collaborate with his colleagues.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by studying in the United States and still being able to stay connected with her roots.
  • By having a balance of both short-term and long-term investments, they were able to make the best of both worlds.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by having a job in the city and still being able to enjoy the outdoors on the weekends.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by having a career in business and still being able to have a creative outlet through photography.
  • The new design allows us to make the best of both worlds by having a functional and aesthetically pleasing space.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by having a job that allowed him to work independently and still have a sense of community through team projects.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by studying at a public university and still having access to the resources and opportunities of a private university.
  • By having a balance of both domestic and international investments, they were able to make the best of both worlds.
  • He was able to make the best of both worlds by having a job that allowed him to work with cutting-edge technology and still have a sense of stability through a steady income.
  • She was able to make the best of both worlds by pursuing her passion for writing and still having a stable career in law.

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