Keep the wolf from the door Meaning & Sentence

Keep the wolf from the door Meaning

To avoid starvation

Keep the wolf from the door Sentence Examples

  • I’m working overtime to keep the wolf from the door.
  • We’re barely making ends meet, but at least we can keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m taking on extra shifts to keep the wolf from the door.
  • My part-time job helps keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m cutting back on expenses to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I need to find a way to keep the wolf from the door.
  • We’re doing our best to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m trying to keep the wolf from the door by freelancing on the side.
  • I’m using my savings to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on government assistance to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my credit cards to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m taking out a loan to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m tapping into my retirement savings to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my family to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my severance pay to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m taking on a second job to keep the wolf from the door.
  • We’re selling some of our possessions to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on unemployment benefits to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my inheritance to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on charity to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my partner’s income to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my tax refund to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my parents to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my savings account to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my investments to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my rental income to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my business to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my pension to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my stock market investments to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my crowdfunding campaign to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my trust fund to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my royalties to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my dividend income to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my commission to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my salary to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my bonus to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my tips to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my stipend to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my allowance to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my scholarship to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my grant to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m using my bursary to keep the wolf from the door.
  • I’m relying on my fellowship to keep the wolf from the door.

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