Judas Kiss Meaning & Sentence

Judas Kiss Meaning

False love

Judas Kiss Sentence Examples

  • The politician’s friendly handshake with the opposition leader was a Judas kiss.
  • I could trust him, but he gave me a Judas kiss by stealing my idea.
  • Giving someone a Judas kiss is a sign of treachery and betrayal.
  • His words were a Judas kiss, luring me into a false sense of security.
  • He promised to help me, but his offer turned out to be a Judas kiss.
  • She was surprised by her friend’s Judas kiss when she discovered the truth about her.
  • The CEO’s compliments were a Judas kiss just before he fired the employee.
  • She felt like she had received a Judas kiss when she found out her boyfriend cheated.
  • He was wary of making a deal with the company, afraid they would give him a Judas kiss.
  • The competitor’s offer of help was a Judas kiss to get access to their secrets.
  • Her colleague’s kindness was a Judas kiss, as he later took credit for her work.
  • The boss’s praise was a Judas kiss, as he gave the promotion to someone else.
  • The politician’s support was a Judas kiss, as he later spoke out against the cause.
  • The investor’s offer was a Judas kiss, as he planned to take over the company.
  • The artist’s promise was a Judas kiss, as he never delivered on the painting.
  • The mentor’s advice was a Judas kiss, as it led to the student’s failure.
  • The doctor’s diagnosis was a Judas kiss, as it turned out to be incorrect.
  • The contractor’s estimate was a Judas kiss, as the final bill was much higher.
  • The promise of a new job was a Judas kiss, as it turned out to be a scam.
  • The contractor’s promise to finish the project on time was a Judas kiss, as he missed the deadline.
  • The actor’s promise to attend the charity event was a Judas kiss, as he never showed up.
  • The salesman’s offer was a Judas kiss, as he sold them a faulty product.
  • The company’s promise to provide good service was a Judas kiss, as they were unresponsive to complaints.
  • The competitor’s offer to collaborate was a Judas kiss, as they later stole their ideas.
  • The promise of a pay raise was a Judas kiss, as the company later went bankrupt.
  • The company’s promise of job security was a Judas kiss, as they later laid off employees.
  • The landlord’s promise to fix the apartment was a Judas kiss, as they never did.
  • The client’s promise of a big order was a Judas kiss, which they later canceled.
  • The contractor’s promise to use high-quality materials was a Judas kiss, as they used subpar ones.
  • The athlete’s promise to play for the team was a Judas kiss, as he signed with another team.
  • The publisher’s promise to promote the book was a Judas kiss, as they did not follow through.
  • The politician’s promise to lower taxes was a Judas kiss, as he raised them instead.
  • The coworker’s promise to cover for her was a Judas kiss, as she later told the boss.
  • The doctor’s promise of a quick recovery was a Judas kiss as the patient’s condition worsened.
  • The promise of a peaceful resolution was a Judas kiss as the war continued.

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