In the Teeth of Meaning & Sentence

In the Teeth of Meaning

To be against

In the Teeth of Sentence Examples

  • He sailed his boat in the teeth of the storm.
  • She faced her fear in the teeth of adversity.
  • The company is struggling to stay afloat in the teeth of the recession.
  • Despite the odds, he pressed on in the teeth of the opposition.
  • They hiked through the mountains in the teeth of the snowstorm.
  • He spoke out in the teeth of public pressure.
  • In the teeth of the wind, the kite struggled to stay aloft.
  • She stood her ground in the teeth of the criticism.
  • The team fought in the teeth of the adversity to win the game.
  • He faced his fears in the teeth of the darkness.
  • In the teeth of the current, the swimmer powered to the finish line.
  • She faced her challenges in the teeth of the storm.
  • The company faced tough competition in the teeth of the market.
  • Despite the odds, he succeeded in the teeth of the obstacles.
  • They faced the enemy in the teeth of the battle.
  • He faced his critics in the teeth of the controversy.
  • In the teeth of the hurricane, the house stood strong.
  • She stood up for her beliefs in the teeth of the opposition.
  • The team played in the teeth of the rain to win the match.
  • He faced his fears in the teeth of the unknown.
  • In the teeth of the blizzard, the sledder pushed on.
  • She faced the challenge in the teeth of the adversity.
  • The company faced tough times in the teeth of the economic downturn.
  • Despite the odds, he pressed forward in the teeth of the difficulties.
  • They fought in the teeth of the enemy’s attacks.
  • He spoke out in the teeth of the backlash.
  • In the teeth of the waves, the surfer rode to victory.
  • She stood her ground in the teeth of the opposition.
  • The team played in the teeth of the storm to win the game.
  • He faced his fears in the teeth of the unknown.
  • In the teeth of the wind, the windsurfer sailed to the finish.
  • She faced her challenges in the teeth of the adversity.
  • The company faced tough competition in the teeth of the market.
  • Despite the odds, he succeeded in the teeth of the obstacles.
  • They faced the enemy in the teeth of the battle.
  • He faced his critics in the teeth of the controversy.
  • In the teeth of the hurricane, the city remained resilient.
  • She stood up for her beliefs in the teeth of the opposition.
  • The team played in the teeth of the rain to win the match.
  • He faced his fears in the teeth of the unknown.
  • In the teeth of the blizzard, the skier pushed on.
  • She faced the challenge in the teeth of the adversity.
  • The company faced tough times in the teeth of the economic downturn.
  • Despite the odds, he pressed forward in the teeth of the difficulties.
  • They fought in the teeth of the enemy’s attacks.
  • He spoke out in the teeth of the backlash.
  • In the teeth of the waves, the kayaker paddled to victory.
  • She stood her ground in the teeth of the opposition.
  • The team played in the teeth of the storm to win the game.

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