In Short Meaning & Sentence

In Short Meaning

In brief

In Short Sentence Examples

  • In short, I don’t have time for this.
  • In short, I’m not interested in your proposal.
  • In short, the project is not feasible with our current resources.
  • In short, the answer is no.
  • In short, the situation is complicated and we need more information.
  • In short, I need you to be more specific about what you’re asking for.
  • In short, we need to cut costs if we want to stay in business.
  • In short, the report shows that our sales have been declining for the past year.
  • In short, we need to focus on our core competencies to remain competitive.
  • In short, we need to address the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.
  • In short, the customer is always right.
  • In short, we need to prioritize our goals and make a plan to achieve them.
  • In short, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.
  • In short, the product doesn’t meet our quality standards.
  • In short, we need to take action before the situation gets worse.
  • In short, we need to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.
  • In short, the project is behind schedule and we need to catch up.
  • In short, we need to make a decision and move forward.
  • In short, we need to be proactive instead of reactive.
  • In short, we need to improve our communication and collaboration.
  • In short, we need to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them.
  • In short, the company’s financial situation is precarious and we need to cut costs.
  • In short, we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • In short, the project is a success because we met our objectives.
  • In short, we need to be honest with ourselves and recognize our limitations.
  • In short, we need to build a strong team with diverse skills and perspectives.
  • In short, we need to balance short-term and long-term goals.
  • In short, the competition is fierce and we need to step up our game.
  • In short, the market is volatile and we need to be prepared for unexpected changes.
  • In short, we need to be ethical and responsible in our business practices.
  • In short, we need to invest in our employees’ development and well-being.
  • In short, we need to respect our customers’ needs and preferences.
  • In short, we need to be innovative and stay ahead of the curve.
  • In short, we need to create a positive work environment that fosters productivity and creativity.
  • In short, the project is at a crossroads and we need to make a critical decision.
  • In short, we need to establish clear roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion.
  • In short, the market is saturated and we need to find a unique selling proposition.
  • In short, we need to avoid micromanagement and trust our team to deliver results.
  • In short, the customer experience is paramount to our success.

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