Do or Die Meaning & Sentence

Do or Die Meaning

To make a final effort

Do or Die Sentence Examples

  • It’s time to do or die and give it your all.
  • This is a do or die situation, there’s no turning back now.
  • We have to do or die, or we’ll lose the opportunity.
  • I’m feeling the pressure, it’s a do or die moment.
  • In the world of sports, every game is a do or die situation.
  • The company is in a do or die moment, they need to turn things around.
  • It’s do or die, we can’t afford to make any mistakes.
  • The team was in a do or die position, but they managed to come out on top.
  • Sometimes you have to do or die to reach your goals.
  • When you’re in a do or die moment, you have to give it your best shot.
  • This is a do or die mission, failure is not an option.
  • In the face of adversity, it’s a do or die situation.
  • It’s a do or die scenario, we have to make a decision.
  • In the military, soldiers are often faced with do or die situations.
  • This is a do or die opportunity, we can’t let it slip away.
  • When it’s do or die, you have to push yourself to the limit.
  • It’s do or die time, we have to step up to the plate.
  • Sometimes it’s a do or die situation, and you just have to take a risk.
  • In a do or die situation, you have to trust your instincts.
  • It’s do or die, we have to take a leap of faith.
  • The company was in a do or die moment, and they managed to turn things around.
  • When it’s do or die, you have to think outside the box.
  • This is a do or die moment, we have to make a stand.
  • It’s a do or die scenario, we have to be willing to take the hit.
  • In the face of adversity, it’s a do or die moment.
  • When it’s do or die, you have to put everything on the line.
  • It’s a do or die opportunity, and we have to seize it.
  • In a do or die situation, you have to trust in your abilities.
  • This is a do or die mission, and we have to be prepared for anything.
  • When it’s do or die, you have to have the courage to take action.
  • It’s do or die, we have to dig deep and find a way to succeed.
  • The team was in a do or die position, but they refused to give up.
  • This is a do or die scenario, and we have to be willing to make sacrifices.
  • It’s a do or die moment, and we have to act quickly.
  • When it’s do or die, you have to believe in yourself.
  • It’s do or die, and we have to rise to the occasion.
  • This is a do or die opportunity, and we can’t let it slip through our fingers.
  • In a do or die situation, you have to be ready for anything.
  • It’s a do or die moment, and we have to keep our cool.
  • When it’s do or die, you have to stay focused on your goal.
  • It’s do or die, and we have to be willing to take risks.
  • This is a do or die mission, and we have to work together to succeed.
  • In a do or die scenario, you have to stay calm under pressure.

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