This blog post looks at a dialogue between a teacher and a student for not doing homework.

Sample Dialogue between teacher and student for not doing homework – 1
Teacher: Good morning. How are you today?
Student: Good morning. I’m fine, thank you.
Teacher: That’s good to hear. Can I see your homework from last night?
Student: Um, I didn’t do it.
Teacher: May I ask why not?
Student: I had a family emergency and didn’t have time to finish it.
Teacher: I understand. Taking care of family matters is essential, but it’s also important to ensure you complete your homework. Can you make sure to finish it tomorrow?
Student: Yes, I will make sure to do it.
Teacher: Great. Let me know if you need any help or if there’s anything I can do to support you.
Student: Thank you, I will.
Sample Dialogue between teacher and student for not doing homework – 2
Teacher: Good morning. How are you today?
Student: Good morning. I’m fine, thank you.
Teacher: That’s good to hear. Can I see your homework from last night?
Student: Um, I didn’t do it.
Teacher: May I ask why not?
Student: I got caught up playing video games and lost track of time.
Teacher: I understand that it can be easy to get distracted, but it’s important to prioritize your responsibilities and ensure you complete your homework. Can you make sure to finish it tomorrow?
Student: Yes, I will make sure to do it.
Teacher: Great. Remember, taking responsibility for your actions and completing your homework is an important part of your education and personal growth.
Student: I understand. Thank you for reminding me.