Before Long Meaning & Sentence

Before Long Meaning


Before Long Sentence Examples

  • Before long, the sun will set, and it will be dark.
  • She knew that before long, she would need to make a decision.
  • Before long, they had finished the project and were ready to present it.
  • I could tell that before long, he would be exhausted from all the work.
  • Before long, the party was in full swing and everyone was having a great time.
  • It was clear that before long, the company would have to make some changes.
  • Before long, the baby was fast asleep in her crib.
  • He realized that before long, he would have to start looking for a new job.
  • Before long, the storm had passed and the sky was clear once again.
  • She knew that before long, she would have to tell him the truth.
  • Before long, the train pulled into the station and it was time to disembark.
  • I could see that before long, the garden would be in full bloom.
  • Before long, the concert was over and the crowd was leaving the venue.
  • He knew that before long, he would have to make a choice between the two options.
  • Before long, the food was ready and we sat down to eat.
  • I could tell that before long, the company would be facing some financial difficulties.
  • Before long, the movie was over and it was time to go home.
  • She realized that before long, she would need to take a break from work.
  • Before long, the game was tied and it was anyone’s match to win.
  • I could see that before long, the road would be closed due to construction.
  • Before long, the meeting was adjourned and everyone left the conference room.
  • He knew that before long, he would have to start preparing for the exam.
  • Before long, the train had left the station and we were on our way.
  • I could tell that before long, the weather would turn cold and snowy.
  • Before long, the party was over and it was time for everyone to go home.
  • She realized that before long, she would need to start planning for the future.
  • Before long, the book was finished and she felt a sense of accomplishment.
  • I could see that before long, the company would be launching a new product.
  • Before long, the concert was over and the crowd was cheering for an encore.
  • He knew that before long, he would have to tell her how he felt.
  • Before long, the movie was starting and everyone took their seats.
  • I could tell that before long, the market would be recovering from the recession.
  • Before long, the game was over and the team had won by a landslide.
  • She realized that before long, she would need to start saving for her retirement.
  • Before long, the sun was rising and it was a new day.
  • I could see that before long, the city would be bustling with activity.
  • Before long, the meeting was over and we were free to go.
  • He knew that before long, he would have to start thinking about college.
  • Before long, the train had arrived at its destination and we disembarked.
  • I could tell that before long, the company would be facing some legal challenges.
  • Before long, the party was winding down and people were saying their goodbyes.

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