Zebu in a Sentence Examples

A zebu (noun) is a cattle breed native to South Asia. Zebus are known for their distinctive hump on their back and their large, drooping ears. They are often used for dairy production, beef production, and draft purposes in tropical countries and are well-adapted to hot and humid climates. Use Zebu in a Sentence Examples … Read more

Zebra Crossing in a Sentence Examples

A zebra crossing (noun) is a type of pedestrian crossing marked with black and white stripes on the road surface. The stripes are arranged in a distinctive pattern, with alternating white and black stripes (as marked on the zebra) running perpendicular to the direction of traffic. Zebra crossings are typically found at intersections or other … Read more

Zebra in a Sentence Examples

A zebra (noun) is a horse-like mammal native to Africa. Zebras are known for their distinctive black and white stripes, unique to each individual and thought to help them blend in with their surroundings and evade predators. Use Zebra in a Sentence Examples The zebra is a beautiful animal with distinctive black and white stripes. … Read more

Overzealous in a Sentence Examples

Overzealous (adjective) means showing too much enthusiasm or eagerness, especially in a way that is not appropriate or welcomed. It can also refer to someone who is excessively diligent or enthusiastic, often to the point of being unreasonable. For example, someone overzealous about a particular cause or issue might go to extreme lengths to promote … Read more

Zealousness in a Sentence Examples

Zealousness (noun) is a strong enthusiasm or devotion to a cause or belief. It is a characteristic often associated with people who are very passionate and committed to something and willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve their goals. The word “zealousness” can also refer to an intense and persistent eagerness or desire … Read more

Zealously in a Sentence Examples

Zealously (Adverb) means having or showing strong enthusiasm and dedication. It often refers to the intense and fervent pursuit of something, such as a goal or an interest. Someone zealously dedicated to something is likely to be very passionate and committed to achieving it and may put a lot of time and effort into it. … Read more

Zealous in a Sentence Examples

Zealous means being very enthusiastic and devoted to a cause or activity. Zealous people are highly motivated and take a strong interest in what they are doing, often to the point of being overly eager or passionate. This can involve a strong desire to succeed or to make a positive impact and may involve a … Read more

Zealotry in a Sentence Examples

“Zealotry” refers to extreme and uncompromising devotion or dedication to a particular cause or belief. It often involves a willingness to take extreme or radical measures in pursuit of one’s beliefs and can involve a disregard for the feelings or rights of others. In its most extreme form, zealotry can lead to violence, intolerance, and … Read more

Zealot in a Sentence Examples

A “zealot” generally describes someone extraordinarily passionate and devoted to a particular idea or cause. They often display a fanatical commitment and are willing to go to great lengths to promote their cause or ideology. Zealots are often characterized by their intense, single-minded focus and refusal to compromise their beliefs. They may be seen as … Read more

Zeal in a Sentence Examples

“Zeal” is a strong enthusiasm or devotion to a particular cause or activity. It is characterized by a strong desire to work hard, make sacrifices, and do whatever it takes to achieve a goal or promote a belief or cause. Someone full of zeal is often seen as very motivated, dedicated, and committed to their … Read more