Zero Sum Game in a Sentence Examples

A zero sum game is a situation in which the loss of another person exactly balances one person’s gain. In other words, the total amount of resources (such as money, points, or resources) in the system remains constant, and any gain by one player must be offset by an equal loss by another player. Examples … Read more

Zero Based Budget in a Sentence Examples

A zero-based budget is a budgeting method in which all expenses must be justified for each period. It starts from a “zero base,” and every expenditure must be approved. A zero-based budget ensures that all expenses are necessary and well thought out, rather than simply carrying over budget amounts from the previous period. Use Zero … Read more

Zero Tolerance in a Sentence Examples

“Zero tolerance” generally refers to a strict policy or approach that does not allow exceptions or leniency. It is often used in contexts such as school discipline, where a particular behavior is strictly prohibited, and any instance of that behavior will result in a predetermined punishment. For example, a school might have a zero tolerance … Read more

Zero in a Sentence Examples

In mathematics, zero is a number that represents nothing or the absence of any quantity. It is the numerical symbol for “nothing” or “empty.” Zero is a placeholder in our number system and is used to indicate the absence of a numerical value. It is also used to represent the starting point for counting or … Read more

Zeppelin in a Sentence Examples

A zeppelin (noun) is a rigid airship used for transportation and military purposes in the early 20th century. The term “zeppelin” refers to the airships designed and built by the German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, who founded the company, Luftschiffbau Zeppelin. Use Zeppelin in a Sentence Examples The Zeppelin was a type of airship popular … Read more

Zephyr in a Sentence Examples

Zephyr (noun) refers to a soft, gentle breeze. It is derived from the Greek word “zephuros,” which means “west wind.” In Greek mythology, Zephyr was the god of the west wind. The word is often used to describe a gentle, refreshing breeze that is soothing or cooling on a hot day. It can also be … Read more

Zenith in a Sentence Examples

Zenith (noun) refers to the highest point, peak, or time at which something is at its highest or most powerful. It can describe the highest point in the sky reached by a celestial body, such as the sun or a star, or refer to the peak or climax of an event, situation, or activity. For … Read more

Zeitgeist in a Sentence Examples

Zeitgeist (noun) is a German word that translates to “the spirit of the times.” It refers to an era’s general cultural, intellectual, and ethical climate. It includes the values, beliefs, and trends prevalent at that time, as well as the ideas and innovations shaping society. Use Zeitgeist in a Sentence Examples The zeitgeist of the … Read more