List of Proverbs with Meanings [A to Z Proverbs]

A proverb is a simple and concise saying that encapsulates a universal truth or advice. Often passed down through generations, proverbs offer a window into a society’s cultural values and beliefs. Proverbs are not only found in the English language but are also prevalent in many other cultures worldwide. What are proverbs? Proverbs are short, … Read more

‘Above Board’ Idiom [Meaning, Origin & Sentences]

The idiom “above board” means open, honest, and transparent. It is often used to describe a situation or transaction that is legitimate and fair, without any hidden or deceitful intentions. Above Board idiom origin The phrase “above board” likely originated from the chess game, where all pieces are placed on the board in plain view … Read more

Extend Joining Date due to Relocation – How to Email?

Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, and sometimes things don’t go as smoothly as planned. If you’ve recently accepted a new job and are relocating, you may need to extend your joining date. Here’s what you need to know about requesting an extension due to relocation. Important Points to Remember while Writing An … Read more

Phrasal Verbs with Add – Meaning & Examples

Phrasal verbs are an essential part of the English language and often have multiple meanings. This post will look at phrasal verbs with “add” and their definitions. List of Phrasal verbs with Add Add up Add up meaning: to calculate or determine the total amount or quantity of something; to seem reasonable; to make sense … Read more