At Sixes and Sevens Meaning & Sentence

At Sixes and Sevens Meaning

In disorder

At Sixes and Sevens Sentence Examples

  • The company was at sixes and sevens after the CEO resigned unexpectedly.
  • The team was at sixes and sevens trying to figure out how to finish the project on time.
  • My thoughts were at sixes and sevens after I received the news of my father’s death.
  • The organization was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the financial crisis.
  • The government was at sixes and sevens trying to come up with a solution to the unemployment problem.
  • The family was at sixes and sevens trying to decide where to go on vacation.
  • The company was at sixes and sevens trying to find a way to cut costs.
  • The team was at sixes and sevens trying to decide on a new strategy.
  • My emotions were at sixes and sevens after my breakup.
  • The country was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the political turmoil.
  • The school was at sixes and sevens trying to figure out how to deal with the budget cuts.
  • The department was at sixes and sevens trying to reorganize after the merger.
  • The company was at sixes and sevens after the data breach.
  • The team was at sixes and sevens trying to come up with a plan to increase sales.
  • My brain was at sixes and sevens trying to take in all the information during the lecture.
  • The city was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the traffic congestion.
  • The company was at sixes and sevens trying to navigate the new regulations.
  • The team was at sixes and sevens trying to find a way to improve customer service.
  • My stomach was at sixes and sevens before the big presentation.
  • The government was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the refugee crisis.
  • The school was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the bullying problem.
  • The department was at sixes and sevens trying to implement the new software.
  • The company was at sixes and sevens trying to expand into new markets.
  • The team was at sixes and sevens trying to find a way to reduce turnover.
  • My nerves were at sixes and sevens before the interview.
  • The country was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the economic downturn.
  • The organization was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the scandal.
  • The company was at sixes and sevens trying to find a way to increase productivity.
  • The team was at sixes and sevens trying to decide on a new direction.
  • My mind was at sixes and sevens trying to make a decision.
  • The city was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the housing crisis.
  • The company was at sixes and sevens trying to navigate the new tax laws.
  • The team was at sixes and sevens trying to find a way to increase efficiency.
  • My heart was at sixes and sevens after watching the movie.
  • The government was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the healthcare crisis.
  • The school was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the standardized testing.
  • The department was at sixes and sevens trying to adapt to the new technology.
  • The company was at sixes and sevens trying to deal with the labor strike.

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