An Axe to Grind Meaning & Sentence

An Axe to Grind Meaning

Selfish Motive

An Axe to Grind Sentence Examples

  • He had an axe to grind with his boss and wouldn’t stop complaining.
  • She always had an axe to grind when it came to discussing politics.
  • He had an axe to grind with the company, but decided to keep it to himself.
  • She had an axe to grind with her ex-boyfriend and vented to anyone who would listen.
  • He had an axe to grind with the government, and often wrote letters to the editor.
  • She had an axe to grind with the school board, and frequently attended meetings to voice her concerns.
  • He had an axe to grind with his coworkers, and often caused conflicts in the office.
  • She had an axe to grind with her landlord, and threatened to sue for harassment.
  • He had an axe to grind with the local government, and ran for office to make a change.
  • She had an axe to grind with the media, and refused to give interviews.
  • He had an axe to grind with his family, and hadn’t spoken to them in years.
  • She had an axe to grind with her neighbor, and made sure to avoid them.
  • He had an axe to grind with his doctor, and switched to a new practice.
  • She had an axe to grind with her therapist, and stopped going to sessions.
  • He had an axe to grind with his former employer, and wrote a tell-all book about his experience.
  • She had an axe to grind with her ex-husband, and fought for full custody of their children.
  • He had an axe to grind with the police, and often protested against their actions.
  • She had an axe to grind with the school administration, and advocated for change.
  • He had an axe to grind with his insurance company, and fought for a fair payout.
  • She had an axe to grind with her bank, and closed her account in protest.
  • He had an axe to grind with the city council, and attended every meeting to voice his concerns.
  • She had an axe to grind with her classmates, and often caused drama in school.
  • He had an axe to grind with his previous landlord, and wrote a negative review online.
  • She had an axe to grind with her coworkers, and made sure to avoid team-building activities.
  • He had an axe to grind with the local government, and ran for city council.
  • She had an axe to grind with the university administration, and protested against their policies.
  • He had an axe to grind with his siblings, and didn’t speak to them for years.
  • She had an axe to grind with her parents, and moved out of their house as soon as possible.
  • He had an axe to grind with the school board, and ran for a seat on the board.
  • She had an axe to grind with her former friend, and spread rumors about them.
  • He had an axe to grind with the company, and filed a lawsuit for wrongful termination.
  • She had an axe to grind with her landlord, and organized a tenant strike.
  • He had an axe to grind with the government, and became a political activist.
  • She had an axe to grind with her ex-boyfriend, and wrote a tell-all book about their relationship.
  • He had an axe to grind with the local government, and started a petition to change their policies.
  • She had an axe to grind with the university administration, and wrote an op-ed in the student newspaper.

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