White Lie Meaning & Sentence

White Lie Meaning

A blunt lie

White Lie Sentence Examples

  • She told a white lie to avoid hurting her friend’s feelings.
  • He used the excuse of a white lie to avoid getting in trouble.
  • It’s not always a bad thing to tell a white lie to spare someone’s feelings.
  • She was caught in a white lie, but was able to smooth things over.
  • He used a white lie as a way to protect his own reputation.
  • Telling a white lie to avoid an awkward situation is not always the best solution.
  • She was known for telling white lies to make herself look better.
  • He told a white lie to his boss, but it ended up getting him in more trouble.
  • White lies are often used to maintain peace and harmony in relationships.
  • She was guilty of telling a white lie, but it was for a good cause.
  • He was accused of telling a white lie, but it was the truth all along.
  • White lies can sometimes be harmless, but they can also cause problems.
  • She told a white lie to get out of a commitment she didn’t want to fulfill.
  • He used a white lie as a way to avoid a difficult conversation.
  • White lies can be used as a form of self-protection.
  • She told a white lie to her family to protect them from the truth.
  • He used a white lie to avoid getting caught in a lie.
  • White lies can sometimes be justified, but it’s important to consider the consequences.
  • She was guilty of telling a white lie, but it was for the greater good.
  • He used a white lie as a way to get what he wanted.
  • White lies can be used as a form of manipulation.
  • She told a white lie to her friends to avoid getting in trouble.
  • He used a white lie to avoid confrontation.
  • White lies can be used to avoid conflict, but they can also create problems.
  • She was caught in a white lie, but was able to explain her actions.
  • He used a white lie as a way to avoid responsibility.
  • White lies can sometimes be used to protect others, but they can also be used for selfish reasons.
  • She told a white lie to her partner to avoid hurting their feelings.
  • He used a white lie as a way to gain an advantage.
  • White lies can be used to make someone feel better, but they can also be used to deceive.
  • She was guilty of telling a white lie, but it was a mistake.
  • He used a white lie to avoid getting in hot water.
  • White lies can be used to avoid uncomfortable situations, but they can also create more problems.
  • She told a white lie to her friends to get out of a social engagement.
  • He used a white lie as a way to protect his own interests.
  • White lies can be used to make someone feel better, but they can also be used to manipulate.
  • She was guilty of telling a white lie, but it was for the best.
  • He used a white lie as a way to avoid getting caught.
  • White lies can be used to protect relationships, but they can also be used to exploit others.
  • She told a white lie to her family to avoid getting in trouble.
  • He used a white lie as a way to control the situation.
  • White lies can be used to avoid difficult conversations, but they can also create more problems.

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