To Win the Palm Meaning & Sentence

To Win the Palm Meaning

To win a prize

To Win the Palm Sentence Examples

  • He worked tirelessly to win the palm in the competition.
  • She was determined to win the palm in the race.
  • He was a front-runner in the competition but ultimately failed to win the palm.
  • She had her sights set on winning the palm in the pageant.
  • He put in extra effort to win the palm in the tournament.
  • The team was united in their goal to win the palm.
  • She was proud to have won the palm for her performance.
  • He had to give it his all to win the palm in the match.
  • She had a strong desire to win the palm in the contest.
  • He had a good chance of winning the palm, but ultimately fell short.
  • She was ecstatic to have won the palm in the competition.
  • He had been training hard to win the palm in the event.
  • She had a fierce determination to win the palm in the game.
  • He had a great chance of winning the palm, but luck was not on his side.
  • She had a burning ambition to win the palm in the challenge.
  • He had a fierce drive to win the palm in the tournament.
  • She had a fierce passion to win the palm in the pageant.
  • He had a fierce determination to win the palm in the tournament.
  • She had a fierce resolve to win the palm in the pageant.
  • He had a fierce ambition to win the palm in the competition.
  • She had a fierce desire to win the palm in the contest.
  • He had a fierce passion to win the palm in the event.
  • She had a fierce drive to win the palm in the game.
  • He had a fierce determination to win the palm in the match.
  • She had a fierce resolve to win the palm in the challenge.
  • He had a fierce ambition to win the palm in the tournament.
  • She had a fierce desire to win the palm in the pageant.
  • He had a fierce passion to win the palm in the competition.
  • She had a fierce drive to win the palm in the contest.
  • He had a fierce determination to win the palm in the event.
  • She had a fierce resolve to win the palm in the game.
  • He had a fierce ambition to win the palm in the match.
  • She had a fierce desire to win the palm in the challenge.
  • He had a fierce passion to win the palm in the tournament.
  • She had a fierce drive to win the palm in the pageant.
  • He had a fierce determination to win the palm in the competition.
  • She had a fierce resolve to win the palm in the contest.
  • He had a fierce ambition to win the palm in the event.
  • She had a fierce desire to win the palm in the game.
  • He had a fierce passion to win the palm in the match.
  • She had a fierce drive to win the palm in the challenge.

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