To Pull One’s Legs Meaning
To make a fool of
To Pull One’s Legs Sentence Examples
- Don’t try to pull my legs with that fake story.
- She was pulling his leg about being a millionaire.
- He’s always trying to pull our legs with his jokes.
- I couldn’t believe it when he told me he won the lottery, he was just pulling my leg.
- Don’t be so gullible, she’s just pulling your leg.
- She always knows how to pull my leg and make me laugh.
- He thought he was being funny when he tried to pull my leg.
- They were just pulling each other’s legs and having a good time.
- Don’t let him pull your leg, he’s not as smart as he thinks he is.
- He always tries to pull my leg with his prank calls.
- She’s good at pulling people’s legs and making them believe her.
- He tried to pull my leg with a fake job offer.
- They were pulling each other’s legs about their dating lives.
- He was pulling her leg about not liking chocolate.
- I’m not falling for it this time, stop trying to pull my leg.
- He was trying to pull her leg with a fake proposal.
- She was pulling his leg about being able to fly.
- Don’t be so sensitive, they’re just pulling your leg.
- He always tries to pull our legs with his tall tales.
- She was pulling my leg when she said she was moving to Mars.
- They were pulling each other’s legs about who was the better cook.
- He tried to pull my leg with a fake pregnancy announcement.
- Don’t let him pull your leg, he’s just trying to mess with you.
- She was pulling his leg about forgetting their anniversary.
- They were pulling each other’s legs about who was the better dancer.
- He tried to pull my leg with a fake lottery ticket.
- She was pulling his leg about being able to speak French.
- Don’t fall for it, they’re just trying to pull your leg.
- He always tries to pull our legs with his silly jokes.
- She was pulling my leg when she said she had a pet unicorn.
- They were pulling each other’s legs about who was the better singer.
- He tried to pull my leg with a fake trip to Hawaii.
- Don’t let him pull your leg, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you.
- She was pulling his leg about not liking pizza.
- They were pulling each other’s legs about who was the better athlete.
- He tried to pull my leg with a fake job interview.
- She was pulling his leg about not liking coffee.
- Don’t be so naive, she’s just trying to pull your leg.
- He always tries to pull our legs with his silly antics.
- She was pulling my leg when she said she had a secret superpower.
- They were pulling each other’s legs about who was the better driver.
- He tried to pull my leg with a fake engagement ring.
- She was pulling his leg about not liking ice cream.
- Don’t let him pull your leg, he’s just trying to have a little fun.