To Kick Up a Row Meaning
To create a disturbance
To Kick Up a Row Sentence Examples
- She kicked up a row when she discovered her roommate had eaten her last piece of cake.
- The neighbors kicked up a row when the new housing development was announced.
- The children kicked up a row when they were told it was time for bed.
- He kicked up a row when he found out he didn’t get the promotion he was expecting.
- The customers kicked up a row when they were told the store was out of stock.
- The protesters kicked up a row when they were told they couldn’t march in the street.
- The team captain kicked up a row when the referee made a bad call.
- The employees kicked up a row when the company announced layoffs.
- The parents kicked up a row when they found out their child’s school was closing.
- The customers kicked up a row when they were charged extra fees they weren’t expecting.
- The tenants kicked up a row when the landlord tried to raise their rent.
- The students kicked up a row when they found out the final exam would be much harder than expected.
- The residents kicked up a row when they were told the city was planning to build a new highway through their neighborhood.
- The audience kicked up a row when the performer failed to show up.
- The passengers kicked up a row when the flight was delayed for several hours.
- The workers kicked up a row when they were asked to work overtime without extra pay.
- The players kicked up a row when the coach benched their star teammate.
- The guests kicked up a row when the hotel lost their reservations.
- The shareholders kicked up a row when the company’s profits plummeted.
- The commuters kicked up a row when the train was canceled at the last minute.
- The restaurant patrons kicked up a row when their food arrived cold.
- The musicians kicked up a row when they were asked to perform for free.
- The patients kicked up a row when they were kept waiting for hours in the waiting room.
- The shoppers kicked up a row when the store closed earlier than advertised.
- The motorists kicked up a row when the road was closed for construction during rush hour.
- The customers kicked up a row when they discovered hidden charges on their bills.
- The employees kicked up a row when they were denied their annual bonuses.
- The tenants kicked up a row when their building was infested with pests.
- The players kicked up a row when the game was postponed due to bad weather.
- The audience kicked up a row when the theater’s air conditioning system malfunctioned.
- The residents kicked up a row when their garbage wasn’t collected on schedule.
- The patients kicked up a row when they were discharged too early from the hospital.
- The subscribers kicked up a row when their favorite show was canceled.
- The diners kicked up a row when the restaurant refused to honor their reservations.
- The concertgoers kicked up a row when the opening act was canceled.
- The workers kicked up a row when their safety concerns were ignored by management.
- The investors kicked up a row when the company’s CEO was caught embezzling funds.
- The travelers kicked up a row when their luggage was lost by the airline.
- The employees kicked up a row when their paychecks were late.
- The shoppers kicked up a row when the store refused to accept their returns.
- The students kicked up a row when they were given a group project with no clear instructions.
- The customers kicked up a row when the restaurant served them undercooked food.
- The tenants kicked up a row when their building’s elevators were out of service for weeks.