To Keep One’s Fingers Crossed Meaning
Wishing good for somebody
To Keep One’s Fingers Crossed Sentence Examples
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the weather clears up for our picnic.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that she gets the job.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that his team wins the game.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the project is a success.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the test results come back negative.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the flight takes off on time.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that her audition goes well.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the car starts in the morning.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the concert tickets go on sale soon.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the concert is not sold out.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the presentation goes well.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that she passes her driver’s test.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the stock market goes up.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the house sells quickly.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the baby is healthy.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the party is a hit.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that she gets accepted into her dream school.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that he gets the promotion.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the team qualifies for the finals.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the vacation goes smoothly.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the concert is not rained out.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that her proposal is accepted.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the business deal goes through.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the book is a bestseller.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the movie is a box-office hit.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the relationship works out.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that the deal goes through.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the interview goes well.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the shipment arrives on time.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the surgery is a success.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the lottery numbers come up.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that the team wins the championship.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the boat doesn’t sink.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the campaign is successful.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the baby is a girl.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the play is well received.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that the weather holds out for the weekend.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the plant survives the winter.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the business expands.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the project is completed on time.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the vacation is relaxing.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that she gets the scholarship.
- He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the product launch is successful.
- We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the movie is nominated for an award.
- They’re keeping their fingers crossed that the wedding goes off without a hitch.
- I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the book is well-reviewed.
- She’s keeping her fingers crossed that the store opens on schedule.