Slip Through One’s Fingers Meaning
To come out of the hand
Slip Through One’s Fingers Sentence Examples
- The opportunity to invest in the company slipped through his fingers.
- She didn’t realize how much she loved him until he slipped through her fingers.
- The championship title slipped through the team’s fingers in the final game.
- He had the chance to buy the house, but it slipped through his fingers.
- The promotion slipped through her fingers due to a lack of experience.
- The chance to go to the Olympics slipped through his fingers due to an injury.
- The opportunity to meet the president slipped through her fingers because she was running late.
- The chance to study abroad slipped through his fingers due to financial constraints.
- The chance to work with a famous director slipped through her fingers because she was not prepared for the audition.
- The chance to win the lottery slipped through his fingers because he didn’t buy a ticket.
- The opportunity to travel to space slipped through his fingers because he didn’t pass the medical exam.
- The chance to play in the World Cup slipped through his fingers due to lack of skill.
- The opportunity to meet her favorite singer slipped through her fingers due to a scheduling conflict.
- The chance to buy a house in the city slipped through his fingers because he couldn’t afford it.
- The opportunity to learn a new language slipped through her fingers because she was too busy.
- The chance to study at a prestigious university slipped through his fingers because he didn’t have the grades.
- The opportunity to work with a well-known company slipped through her fingers because she didn’t have the right qualifications.
- The chance to win the marathon slipped through his fingers because he didn’t train enough.
- The opportunity to meet the famous author slipped through her fingers because she didn’t have a ticket.
- The chance to buy a ticket to see the show slipped through his fingers because they sold out too quickly.
- The opportunity to attend the concert slipped through her fingers because she didn’t have a ride.
- The chance to win the prize slipped through his fingers because he didn’t enter the contest.
- The opportunity to buy the painting slipped through her fingers because someone else got to it first.
- The chance to take the job slipped through his fingers because he didn’t agree to the salary.
- The opportunity to buy the car slipped through her fingers because she didn’t have enough money.
- The chance to attend the festival slipped through his fingers because he didn’t know about it.
- The opportunity to buy the boat slipped through her fingers because she didn’t act fast enough.
- The chance to win the scholarship slipped through his fingers because he didn’t have the right test scores.
- The opportunity to meet the governor slipped through her fingers because she didn’t RSVP in time.
- The chance to buy the land slipped through his fingers because he didn’t have the right paperwork.
- The opportunity to attend the conference slipped through her fingers because she didn’t have the time.
- The chance to win the award slipped through his fingers because he didn’t submit the application.
- The opportunity to buy the diamond ring slipped through her fingers because someone else offered more money.
- The chance to take the trip slipped through his fingers because he didn’t have the passport.
- The opportunity to meet the famous actor slipped through her fingers because she didn’t know about the meet and greet.
- The chance to buy the ticket to the concert slipped through his fingers because he was too slow.