On the Credit Meaning & Sentence

On the Credit Meaning

On delayed payment

On the Credit Sentence Examples

  • I can’t believe you’re taking that risk, but I guess you’re always one to live on the credit.
  • He’s always on the credit, never paying his bills on time.
  • I’m trying to get off the credit and start saving money.
  • I don’t want to rely on the credit any more; it’s time to start living within my means.
  • On the credit, you’re living in a fantasy world, you need to start facing reality.
  • I’ve been on the credit for too long, it’s time to start paying it off.
  • She’s always on the credit, buying things she can’t afford.
  • He’s on the credit up to his ears, he needs to start paying it off before it’s too late.
  • I don’t want to be like him, always on the credit and never able to pay it off.
  • I’m on the credit, but I’m working hard to get out of it.
  • He’s on the credit, but he doesn’t seem to care.
  • I don’t want to be on the credit for the rest of my life, I need to start planning for my future.
  • I’m on the credit, but I’m working hard to pay it off.
  • He’s on the credit, but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it.
  • I can’t keep living on the credit, it’s time to start living within my means.
  • He’s always on the credit, buying things he doesn’t need.
  • I don’t want to be on the credit forever, I need to start planning for my future.
  • On the credit, you’re just digging yourself into a deeper hole.
  • I’m trying to get off the credit and start saving for a rainy day.
  • He’s on the credit, but he doesn’t seem to be worried about it.

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