Meek and Mild Meaning & Sentence

Meek and Mild Meaning

Gentle and Mind

Meek and Mild Sentence Examples

  • She always had a meek and mild demeanor, never raising her voice or getting angry.
  • He came across as meek and mild, but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
  • The teacher’s meek and mild approach to discipline was a stark contrast to the previous year’s strict methods.
  • The cat was meek and mild, never scratching or hissing at anyone.
  • Despite his meek and mild personality, he was fiercely determined to succeed.
  • The new employee was meek and mild but quickly proved to be a valuable asset to the team.
  • He spoke in a meek and mild tone, but his words carried much weight.
  • The company’s meek and mild response to the crisis did little to calm the public’s concerns.
  • She had a meek and mild appearance, but she was a force to be reckoned with when it came to her work.
  • The baby’s meek and mild cries could barely be heard over the din of the crowded room.
  • The meek and mild protest ended without incident as the protesters dispersed peacefully.
  • He had a meek and mild personality, but he was not a pushover and stood up for what he believed in.
  • The meek and mild creature was startled by the loud noise and quickly scurried away.
  • The meek, mild man surprised everyone by standing up to the bully and defending his friend.
  • The meek and mild facade hid a fierce and passionate nature.
  • He was meek and mild but had a hidden talent for making people laugh.
  • The meek and mild expression on her face belied the intense emotions she was feeling inside.
  • He was known for his meek and mild nature but had a fierce competitive streak in sports.
  • The meek and mild creature was quite dangerous when threatened.
  • She had a meek and mild personality but was not afraid to speak her mind when necessary.
  • The meek and mild man was a skilled martial artist.
  • The meek and mild exterior hid a brilliant mind capable of solving complex problems.
  • The meek and mild boy grew up to be a successful businessman.
  • She had a meek and mild demeanor but fiercely advocated social justice.
  • The meek and mild appearance of the plant belied its powerful medicinal properties.
  • He had a meek and mild personality, but he was a skilled negotiator.
  • The meek and mild creature survived in the harsh wilderness by staying hidden and avoiding predators.
  • The meek and mild woman was a talented musician.
  • The meek and mild man had a hidden talent for writing poetry.
  • The meek and mild kitten grew into a powerful and majestic lion.
  • The meek and mild person defused a potentially violent situation with their calm and gentle approach.
  • He had a meek and mild personality, but he was a skilled and dedicated teacher.
  • The meek and mild creature was quite resilient and able to adapt to changing conditions.
  • The meek and mild man was a skilled artist who created beautiful and thought-provoking works.
  • She had a meek and mild personality, but she was a fierce competitor in business.
  • The meek and mild creature could thrive in its environment by staying hidden and avoiding conflict.

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