Lump Sum Meaning & Sentence

Lump Sum Meaning

An amount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate occasions

Lump Sum Sentence Examples

  • He decided to take the lump sum payment instead of the monthly pension plan.
  • She received a lump sum of money from her inheritance.
  • They offered me a lump sum settlement for my injury claim.
  • He invested his lump sum of money in the stock market.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay off her debts.
  • He received a lump sum of cash as a bonus from his employer.
  • She saved up a lump sum of money to put towards a down payment on a house.
  • He received a lump sum of money from the sale of his business.
  • She won a lump sum of money in the lottery.
  • He was able to retire early with the lump sum of money he received from his pension.
  • She used her lump sum of money to start her own business.
  • He used the lump sum of money he received to pay for his child’s education.
  • She received a lump sum of money from her divorce settlement.
  • He invested his lump sum of money in a real estate property.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to travel the world.
  • He received a lump sum of money from the sale of his car.
  • She saved up a lump sum of money to put towards her wedding.
  • He received a lump sum of money from an investment he made years ago.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay off her student loans.
  • He received a lump sum of money from his grandparents’ estate.
  • She used her lump sum of money to buy a new car.
  • He received a lump sum of money from a lawsuit he filed.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay for her medical expenses.
  • He invested his lump sum of money in a mutual fund.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to renovate her house.
  • He received a lump sum of money from his insurance policy.
  • She saved up a lump sum of money to put toward her retirement.
  • He received a lump sum of money from the sale of his artwork.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay for her vacation.
  • He invested his lump sum of money in a bond.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to buy a new house.
  • He received a lump sum of money from his employer for his years of service.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay for her children’s education.
  • He invested his lump sum of money in a savings account.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay off her mortgage.
  • He received a lump sum of money from a class action lawsuit.
  • She saved up a lump sum of money to put towards a new business venture.
  • He received a lump sum of money from the sale of his land.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay for her legal fees.
  • He invested his lump sum of money in a real estate trust.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay for her daughter’s wedding.
  • He received a lump sum of money from a settlement with his former employer.
  • She used the lump sum of money she received to pay for her son’s college tuition.
  • He invested his lump sum of money in a cryptocurrency.

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