In the Eye of Meaning & Sentence

In the Eye of Meaning

According to the way somebody sees the situation

In the Eye of Sentence Examples

  • In the eye of the storm, the sailors held on tightly to their ship.
  • She was the center of attention, in the eye of the party.
  • He was in the eye of the controversy, as the main suspect in the crime.
  • In the eye of the camera, she struck a confident pose.
  • The city was in the eye of the destruction, as the tornado tore through it.
  • In the eye of the needle, the thread struggled to pass through.
  • He was in the eye of the tiger, ready for the fight of his life.
  • In the eye of the beholder, beauty is subjective.
  • The company was in the eye of the financial crisis, on the brink of bankruptcy.
  • In the eye of the hurricane, the winds were at their strongest.
  • She was in the eye of the storm, as rumors swirled around her.
  • In the eye of the public, he was a hero for his actions.
  • The artwork was in the eye of the critics, receiving rave reviews.
  • In the eye of the needle, the acrobat skillfully threaded his way through.
  • He was in the eye of the media, as they followed his every move.
  • In the eye of the needle, the tiny ship navigated through the narrow passage.
  • She was in the eye of the fashion world, with her designs gaining international recognition.
  • In the eye of the storm, the company’s stock prices remained steady.
  • He was in the eye of the spotlight, as the lead actor in the play.
  • In the eye of the hurricane, the residents were advised to stay indoors.
  • She was in the eye of the cyclone, as her emotions raged out of control.
  • In the eye of the needle, the needlework was delicate and intricate.
  • He was in the eye of the storm, as the accusations against him grew.
  • In the eye of the needle, the tightrope walker crossed the chasm with ease.
  • She was in the eye of the storm, as the paparazzi followed her every move.
  • In the eye of the public, the company’s reputation was in tatters.
  • He was in the eye of the hurricane, as the winds and rains battered his boat.
  • In the eye of the needle, the tailor sewed the intricate designs with precision.
  • She was in the eye of the media, as her story made headlines around the world.
  • In the eye of the storm, the city was in a state of emergency.
  • He was in the eye of the needle, as he made his way through the maze.
  • In the eye of the beholder, the painting was a masterpiece.
  • She was in the eye of the storm, as the controversy surrounding her grew.
  • In the eye of the needle, the gymnast performed the difficult routine with ease.
  • He was in the eye of the storm, as the pressure to win the game grew.
  • In the eye of the camera, the models struck their best poses.
  • She was in the eye of the storm, as the accusations against her mounted.
  • In the eye of the needle, the thread was so thin it was nearly invisible.
  • He was in the eye of the storm, as the political situation grew increasingly tense.
  • In the eye of the needle, the golfer hit the ball with precision.

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