In Addition to Meaning & Sentence

In Addition to Meaning

Along with

In Addition to Sentence Examples

  • In addition to his academic pursuits, he also volunteers at the local animal shelter.
  • In addition to being a talented musician, she is also an accomplished painter.
  • In addition to his full-time job, he runs a successful side business.
  • In addition to the regular menu, the restaurant also offers daily specials.
  • In addition to her role as CEO, she also serves on several nonprofit boards.
  • In addition to his football skills, he also excels at track and field.
  • In addition to her busy schedule, she still finds time to work out every day.
  • In addition to his book club, he also hosts a monthly movie night with friends.
  • In addition to her law degree, she also has a master’s in public policy.
  • In addition to his financial support, he also provides emotional support to his family.
  • In addition to his love of cooking, he also enjoys gardening in his spare time.
  • In addition to her artistic talents, she is also fluent in three languages.
  • In addition to his work as a physician, he also teaches at a medical school.
  • In addition to his academic achievements, he is also an accomplished athlete.
  • In addition to her passion for writing, she is also an avid hiker and camper.
  • In addition to his regular job, he also volunteers as a coach for youth sports teams.
  • In addition to his musical talents, he is also a skilled carpenter.
  • In addition to her responsibilities as a parent, she also manages a successful career.
  • In addition to her work in the office, she also regularly attends industry conferences and events.
  • In addition to her role as a teacher, she also mentors new educators.
  • In addition to his expertise in finance, he is also skilled in computer programming.
  • In addition to her job in marketing, she also manages a successful blog.
  • In addition to his duties as a police officer, he also volunteers with local youth programs.
  • In addition to his work in politics, he also serves on several nonprofit boards.
  • In addition to his love of music, he also has a passion for photography.
  • In addition to her talent for singing, she is also a skilled pianist.
  • In addition to his successful career, he also finds time to travel extensively.
  • In addition to his role as a lawyer, he also volunteers his legal expertise for pro bono cases.
  • In addition to his passion for fitness, he also enjoys hiking and rock climbing.
  • In addition to her job as a graphic designer, she also does freelance work on the side.
  • In addition to his busy schedule, he still makes time to volunteer at a local soup kitchen.
  • In addition to her work as a nurse, she also volunteers at a homeless shelter.
  • In addition to his academic accomplishments, he also volunteers as a tutor for underprivileged students.
  • In addition to her role as a therapist, she also hosts a weekly podcast about mental health.
  • In addition to his job in technology, he also mentors young entrepreneurs.
  • In addition to her love of reading, she also enjoys writing short stories.
  • In addition to his regular workout routine, he also practices meditation and yoga.
  • In addition to her work in journalism, she also writes a weekly column for a local newspaper.
  • In addition to his role as a chef, he also teaches cooking classes at a local community center.
  • In addition to her work as a social worker, she also volunteers at a local animal rescue.
  • In addition to his job in finance, he also manages a successful investment portfolio.

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